Faux coffee, Your Newest Vegan Addiction
Faux coffee is your newest vegan addiction! Nubian Hue Non Brew is the first Faux Coffee company in Atlanta, GA, offering a delectable alternative to coffee. With plant-based ingredients such as herbs and spices, it was created so that people could enjoy the taste of coffee without any adverse effects. It's a vegan dessert in a bottle! Owner Lajoyce Waajid, shares a bit about herself and the advantages of drinking faux coffee.
Tell us a bit about yourself.
Greetings beautiful Naturalistas! I am the proud mommy of 3, I am a certified colon therapist, wife, sister and friend. I am natural, of course, and have been since I was 21 years old. At 43, I am working on my bachelors in marketing and business intelligence. My daughter De'jai Alandra Mitchell is my inspiration for returning to school, as she is in her senior year at Spelman College, she makes me very proud. I am a previous salon owner and made a little history by opening the first full service natural hair salon in Henry county, however, the salon is now closed as I wanted to pursue my new invention Nubian Hue Non Brew INC. I love to sing, dance, crack jokes and enjoy life; on the flip side I love quiet time: reading, yoga, reflecting and just being still. I am a social introvert. I love to incorporate all that I have learned into all that I give to people; it is in me to give my very best.
Does the Faux Coffee Beverage provide the same stimulation regular coffee is believed to provide? If not, what are some of the advantages?
Our Faux Coffee does not provide any of the stimulating factors that coffee does as a matter of fact your results from drinking our faux coffee are so much better...it will give you energy as it was created with my expertise in colon therapy in mind. The Faux coffee is plant based and by using a culmination of herbs and spices, we are merely tricking the brain into believing you’re getting your coffee (which is bad for you and highly addictive), however, there are no adverse effects with Faux Coffee. In fact, it will do the opposite of what coffee does: eliminate toxins from your colon, kidney and spleen, thus giving you natural energy. Chile, don't worry these vegan desserts in a bottle taste sooooooo good! You’ll forget they’re good for you!
What does your company stand for?
All things natural and all things healthy with uncompromising taste.
What inspired you to create your business?
I was inspired to create the business out of need and necessity. I was addicted to coffee/caffeine and through proper research and observation, I discovered others were as well. I want to heal the world, per the American Psychiatric Association, over 90 of this great nation is addicted to coffee, that’s a scary fact--so my journey began
What makes you HUMAN?: I gave birth 3 times naturally and my ability to nurture.
Website: http://www.huenonbrew.com
Email: Nubianhuenonbrew@gmail.com
Social Media Handles: IG: nubian_hue_non_brew
Facebook : Nubian Hue Non Brew
Twitter: Nubianhuenonbrew
Pinterest: Nubian Hue Non brew