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Self-care. Self-awareness. Self-acceptance.

Self-care. Self-awareness. Self-acceptance. When you check into the InnHer Experience, you’ll find immense joy in knowing that you’ll indulge in all three of these essential factors. Adetoro Majek, the nurturing founder of the InnHer Experience in Austin, Texas, was inspired to start her business by wanting to create a space for women to become uplifted. Adetoro believes that surrendering is a true key to self-love; surrendering gives you a peace and a certain ease that allows a smooth, direct pathway to loving yourself, and it’s worth allll the good energy! When she’s not supporting women as a lifestyle coach through The InnHer Experience, she’s probably checking out her own book, “It’s The Inner Work First Soulistic Babe”. We thank you for your incredible, healing service, Adetoro. We’d like to introduce you to Adetoro, Queen of InnHer Healing!

What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: What inspired me to bring my business to life was wanting to create a brand where women could feel supported and connected in honoring and celebrating themselves! What keeps me going is knowing what I offer to the world is needed!

What does your company stand for?: My business stands for uplifting women to become their best selves, through selfcare,self-awareness, and spiritual investment!

How do you create the life you want?: I don’t allow people’s perspectives to influence the view I hold of myself! When you know what you’re about, being yourself becomes so effortless!

What makes you HUMAN?: What makes me human is The very thing that makes me who I am struggling with the idea that I don’t make the best decision in life!

What are three things your want people to know about self-love?: You matter! Your dreams matter! You're the most important thing you’ve got going on!

What's something we can incorporate today to start loving ourselves more?: Surrenderence! Surrender to the truth of what is, and what isn’t and what you want it to be! This allows you to have more peace within yourself and therefore creates an ease to loving yourself!

What has been your own journey with self love?: My journey to self love has been one filled with pain, discomfort and disappointment! Which has allowed me to choose myself everyday! From hating my life and wanting to end it to allowing myself to just be the person that I am is why I believe that you can overcome the doubt of who you see yourself as!

Leave an affirmation for readers.....: I am Divinely Guided and I am Safe

Email Address: M.daetoro@gmail.com

Website: http://www.theinnherexperience.com

Social media handles?: @The.innher.experience

Any books or apps recommendations?: “It’s The Inner Work First Soulistic Babe” by Adetoro Majek On amazon