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When life knocks you down, sometimes it feels easier to accept the trouble and stay down...

When life knocks you down, sometimes it feels easier to accept the trouble and stay down. Or unfortunately, it’s almost even comfortable. You know what’s more comforting? Having a hand reach down and encourage you to climb up after you’ve had your fair share of trial and errors. Kimberly Biggs, founder of From Prison to Purpose in Prentiss, Mississippi, knows what it feels like to not have a helping hand. Kimberly is dedicated to being a service to those who may be denied any genuine and resourceful offerings. As an ex-offender, Kimberly is all too familiar with the hardships of trying to get back on your feet. Motivated by her own personal story and her desire to provide for others, Kimberly is using her business to help offenders have a positive impact for their return to society. We admire your resilience and your kind heart, Kimberly. You are stronger than you imagine, and your strength is a huge blessing to others. We’d love for you to meet Kimberly, Queen of Second Chances. 

What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: I was incarcerated. I lost everything. I’ve always been a person to serve and help . But then everything changed on me. Family, friends, old business partners...all were standoffish. After I was released I became homeless, destitute, and even more, hopeless. I reached out to everyone and every agency for resources and there wasn’t any help. I desired to help others. Even in my transparency I struggled. No jobs were offered because I was an ex offender. No favors because people would rather see you struggle in hopes you don’t do better than them. Nevertheless I worked at it everyday. Sometimes hungry, sometimes no running water. Still not employed on a 9 to 5, but I kept working the vision to get myself in a position to be successful, of service and tell my story to inspire and to provide assistance to other offenders who are returning to society.

What does your company stand for?: Helping ex offenders to become productive citizens by providing realistic strategies and resources to become self sufficient.

How do you create the life you want?: First by believing in myself and staying consistent

What makes you HUMAN?: Overcoming Life challenges

What are three things your want people to know about self-love?:

It’s Necessary. It Heals. It gives you worth

What's something we can incorporate today to start loving ourselves more?: Forgiveness for your own shortcomings and failures

What has been your own journey with self love?: I’ve always believed in myself and the person I was chosen to be. I embrace my gift to be a kingdom builder

Leave an affirmation for readers.....: I am strong, I am prosperous, and I am LEGEND

Email Address: fromprisontopurposems@gmail.com