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Wardrobe Styling. Creative Consulting. Photography and Videography.

Wardrobe styling. Creative consulting. Photography and videography. Honestly, there’s nothing this woman can’t do! Lee Herron Salter started her business, The Lee Salter Creative Firm, LLC (based in Richmond, Virgina) after years of being in the medical field. At first, Lee was only acting as a fashionista, styling outfits and consulting options with her clients. Lee was meant to offer though; she expanded her services to include creative consulting, photography and videography, and branding purposes. There is truly nothing better than a one-stop shop to get you on the right track to following your own passions and plans. Some exciting news: Lee is publishing a book that will feature daily devotionals to keep you encouraged and inspired. HEY YOU will be arriving this summer, and we are so excited to soak in all of it’s affirming words. We’d love for you to meet Lee, Queen of Creative Branding!

What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: From childhood, it had always been my desire to become a physician, a neurologist to be exact. My mother suffered from a rare neurological disorder that sparked my interest to pursue medicine. Years later I majored and graduated with a degree in Biology with hopes to attend medical school, only to have my mother pass away while in pursuit of a career in medicine. When she passed away, it was almost like my desire to be a doctor left with it. I decided to just find a career in the science field and allow that to work for me. So I became a Scientist for Virginia Newborn Screening, testing babies to assist in achieving optimal health for newborns through early diagnosis and treatment. This was my day job, my 9 to 5 although rewarding, I wasn’t completely fulfilled.

I’ve always had a love for fashion and was always that friend everyone asked outfit opinions and advice on what to wear. So I got into wardrobe styling and started my business. It honestly never dawned on me to pursue entrepreneurship; I was taught to go to school and find a good job and work it until you retire, but there was a huge part of me that wanted different for my life. I wanted to create a life that I absolutely loved. After a few years of running a business of just wardrobe styling, I started to feel “Boxed In” as if all I knew was clothes and fashion. As a creative, I realized I had so much more to offer my clients, so I decided to expand my services and re-brand my business to a “One-Stop Shop”, providing wardrobe styling, photography/videography for business branding purposes and creative campaigns, in addition to creative consulting.

What motivates me to keep going is my daughter Charleigh. I want her to live a limitless life and I’ll do whatever to create that for her.

What does your company stand for?: The Lee Salter Creative Firm stands for excellence and consistency. There are some great and talented companies in existence today, but some will do just enough to reel you in, but not enough to keep you. My firm has been designed to be a “One Stop Shop” that can service our clients’ branding needs without them having to lift a finger.

How do you create the life you want?: You create the life you want by setting goals, developing a plan of action of how you’re going to get there and remain consistent and faithful to the plan no matter what. There will be bumps in the road on your way, that is inevitable, but if you’re consistent sticking to the journey, no matter what comes, that’s how you’ll get the life you want. Create is a verb you have to produce something in order to get something in return. So getting the life you want doesn’t come by wishing it comes by working consistently towards it.

What makes you HUMAN?: Mistakes make me human. Going through life trying to do everything perfect will frustrate you. You have to pursue things knowing that mistakes are inevitable. You have to Give yourself some grace because you’re doing the best you can. You have to share your mistakes with others to show then they can make it because you did too.

What are three things your want people to know about self-love?: Three things about self love: 

1. Embrace everything there is to know about you: past present future. A lot of us struggle to love ourselves because of what happened to us (traumatic experiences), who didn’t love us properly (abandonment) and many other variables. But once you get to a place of healing and accept what was, what is and what is coming in the future. You’ll understand that that’s the beauty of who you are. 

2. Affirm yourself daily even when you don’t feel like it. You have to recognize the value of who you are

3. See yourself as worthy. You are worthy of every good thing there is in life. No matter your mistakes, where you’ve come from, you are worthy!

What's something we can incorporate today to start loving ourselves more?: 

Pace yourself it’s a marathon not a sprint 

Give yourself credit every time you do something well

Give yourself a break don’t be too hard on yourself

Spend more time with you not with the people and things we think define us

What has been your own journey with self love?: I’m still on the self love journey I honestly believe it is an ongoing pursuit. But my journey really began when everything in my life was failing. The true test of self love is when you’re helpless and it looks like you’re losing at life. I began to be more self aware during this time and I was able to find out all there is to know about me. I started going to therapy consistently to help me deal with things I didn’t even realize affected me. Through these things I was able to embrace all there was to know about myself.

Leave an affirmation for readers.....: Hey you: I can guarantee you that your purpose outweighs Your pain. Keep going.

Email Address: Lee@leesaltercreativefirm.com

Website: http://www.leesaltercreativefirm.com

Social media handles?: Instagram: @lee_herronsalter

Any books or apps recommendations?: My upcoming book/devotional 

HEY YOU: A relatable day to day devotional with the real you in mind

Releasing this July