Honey, you’re not just a blossoming flower...you’re the whole garden.
Honey, you’re not just a blossoming flower...you’re the whole garden. Are you ready to nurture your roots so that you can truly flourish? Melanie Holst-Collins, founder of Grow Your Lovespace in Austin, TX, has a strong desire to encourage intentional living among others. Engaging with your humanness, practicing the presence, rooting for personal and spiritual growth...these are the essentials for letting your soul glo, and we are digging it. Melanie continues to use her own self-love journey to create experiences for those who are looking to grow their lovespace. Her key to staying rooted? “I can find myself in the absence of others.” Your presence is a present, and their absence will never change that. We’d like to introduce you to Melanie Holst-Collins, Queen of Growth!
What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: I made the choice in 2012 to really start being intentional about this human experience + to follow any pull or push I felt from the inside.
I know I was put on this earth is help people awaken, spiritually. To create safe + sacred spaces that facilitate healing within individuals + communities. A strong desire heal myself, live on purpose + to inspire others to do the same is what inspired me. The pure joy I experience as a result of walking in my purpose keeps me on the path!
What does your company stand for?: The entire reason Grow Your Lovespace exists is to remind this generation that this human experience is the most enriching experience for personal + spiritual growth. Engaging with your humanness, intentionally + with presence, offers you the fullest, most healing + transformative experience.
How do you create the life you want?: I practice embodying my beliefs, every day.
I practice being, in energy, the qualities I want to see in my life (peace, abundance, joy, healing etc). When I start there, the way I want my life to look unfolds with minimal effort.
What makes you HUMAN?: Although I am a teacher + facilitator, I know that I am never exempt from any experience or lesson that I may be teaching about. I am not exempt.
What are three things your want people to know about self-love?:
1. Self love is not a destination, it is an ever-evolving process + journey. You never stop growing + cultivating love for yourself
2. There will be beautiful times + ugly times. Both are normal, necessary + imperative to the journey.
3. Others will not always understand your choices you make out of love for yourself. Sometimes you will unintentionally hurt someone else as a result of loving you. Its ok. Trust you.
What's something we can incorporate today to start loving ourselves more?: A small thing is literally taking 2-3 minutes daily or every few days to just be quiet, breathe + scan your body. We offer so much wisdom to ourselves daily, but don't allow ourselves to heart it in order to follow it. Simply practicing being quiet with ourselves, even if for 2 minutes, allows us to learn ourselves in subtle ways.
What has been your own journey with self love?: The journey continues! I struggled for much of my life from childhood to young adulthood with loving myself. There were times where I would put on the facade that I was 'working on loving myself more' but I was just talking about it + not really jumping in the trenches. Telling myself the truth about my desire to cultivate love for myself was crucial on my journey. Presently, my relationship with myself is the most healthy it has been at any other point in my life + it is because I am committed to introspecting + prioritizing my wellness, mentally, emotionally, physically + spiritually. I am try my best to create an outer environment to support that!
Leave an affirmation for readers.....: "I can find myself in the absence of others"
-Melanie Holst-Collins from the Rooted + Growing Insight Affirmation Card Deck
Any books or apps recommendations?
Email Address: mel@growyourlovespace.com
Website: http://growyourlovespace.com
Social media handles?: @growyourlovespace