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Navigating through this life requires essential protection!

Navigating through this life requires essential protection: protection of your hair; protection of your mind, soul and body; and especially, protection of your skin. Vitamins, sunscreen and water will always do your body good, but natural skincare is an excellent step in the right, glowing direction. Ariella Beamon, an esthetician with a flourishing talent, is using her company, Looks Skin Studio, to teach the importance of practicing natural skincare. Looks Skin Studio, located in Plano, Texas, is using their excellent customer service to spread the good word of natural skincare, and the power that it truly holds. Ariella’s secret to gaining a true, natural glow? Personal mantras: encouraging your body to bloom everyday really does wonders! Ariella recommends to read “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho to stimulate your mind. We are in awe of your dazzling ways, Ariella. Your glow is only becoming brighter from here. We’d love to introduce you to Ariella, Queen of Glow!

What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: What motivated me to start my business, is a couple years ago while I was in esthetics school (originally just planned to do makeup professionally) my nine year old had a major eczema outbreak. His doctor wanted to put him on steroids. I respectfully declined and started doing gentle natural skincare services on him. As I watched his 

Skin transform, I was convinced there’s a need for more black natural skincare specialist. Knowing that I am able to change peoples lives by changing their skin motivates me. That alone pushes me to be great every time I touch someone’s face. 

What does your company stand for?: My company has many core values that set it apart; teaching the importance and power of natural skincare, educating everyone on the need to protect your skin from the skin, bringing awareness to the need of vitamins, and giving amazing customer service experiences every time! 

How do you create the life you want?: I am creating the life I want by being a mompreneur. Being a full time entrepreneur allows me to be more present for my husband and children. By making my passion my paycheck, I am creating the peace I need in life! 

What makes you HUMAN?: I am human because I am battling a rare disease. Having to deal with such has caused me to be more aware of my limitations. It’s also has brought me to a place where I understand I am not superwoman and I do need help.  

I am human because I make mistakes. I’m far from perfect but despite the obstacles I am determined to be great!  

I’m human because I wash loads of laundry and most times the clothes don’t make it back to drawers/dressers. 

(Put on Black) What are three things your want people to know about self-love?: Self love is necessary; don’t give yourself the short end of the stick. You deserve the whole pole!  

Self love is whatever you need in that moment; love yourself enough to drink more water, get your chakras balanced, read a book, etc. Whatever YOU need.  

Self love is not SELFISH; you can’t pour from a empty cup. Don’t fill bad for taking care of you. 

What's something we can incorporate today to start loving ourselves more?: Love yourself enough today by protecting your skin from the sun (esthetician life), take vitamins, drink hella water, disconnect from any negative energy, and smile! 

What has been your own journey with self love?: I struggled with loving the skin I am in. I would wake up two hours before any where I had to go, to do a full face. I was so worried about someone seeing my flaws. Until I started working on me. I started doing daily personal mantras to encourage me to love who I was. I focused more on what my body needed to create a natural glow. That has been a huge factor in me loving the skin I am and who I am. 

Leave an affirmation for readers.....: It’s okay to be you. Be authentic. People love you for who you are, not who you aren’t. 

Email Address: looksbyarie@gmail.com 

Website: http://www.looksskinstudiollc.com 

Social media handles?: Instagram @LooksByArie 

2nd Instagram @LooksSkinStudio 

Facebook Page: Looks Skin Studio LLC 

Any books or apps recommendations?: Book: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho 

App: The Calm App (meditate sis!)