Some characters are truly larger than life!
Some characters are truly larger than life, and Sharda wants you to embrace all of the unique characteristics that make you who you are! Sharda Ferrell, based in Dallas, Texas, founded CharactersHere to fulfill her passion for creating. Whether it’s writing, painting or recording podcasts and YouTube videos, Sharda’s purpose is to encourage others to reach down and celebrate their own characters. For self-love, Sharda reminds us that no one has the same journey; every character has a different background! You’re responsible for honoring your story without comparing it to another experience. There’s beauty in accepting the lessons and gems that your journey teaches you; embrace your path as much as you embrace yourself! We are grateful for your dedication to telling stories, Sharda. We’d love to introduce you to Sharda, Queen of Characters!
What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: My desire to create would not let me sleep. I would find myself staying up late just to create or do a DIY project, because it made me feel good. Also, I've been blessed with these talents that I've had since I was a child - writing, painting, and creating. It came natural for me to turn what I’m good at into a business. I knew when I had no other choice but to pursue the creative path that it was right for me. God motivates me to keep going. He gave me these talents that won't leave me no matter what happens - good or bad. If this business wasn't meant for me, I would've quit a long time ago. When something is for you, it stays with you through success and failure. I’m able to help others, meet people, build relationships, and go places outside of my comfort zone. I don’t just get paid in money. I get paid to experience a fulfilling life.
How do you create the life you want?: You create the life you want by going after it. You dream, you take action, you do research, you talk about it, you believe it, and you live your present life as if you were living the life you want. That's easier said than done, but when you are consistent, it can happen for you.
What makes you HUMAN?: By being honest with myself, I am able to recognize that I'm not perfect. No one is perfect, and when I was trying to be something that no one is, it made me something that I was not. I have beautiful flaws, a southern accent, and I love to create. When I started embracing my human ways, I stopped focusing on what didn't matter. This allowed me to be free!
What’s three things you want us to know about self-love/wellness?:
It takes time to have self-love and wellness. It's not overnight, and you shouldn't force it. Let it happen naturally.
1. TIME - It takes time to have self-love and wellness. It's not overnight, and you shouldn't force it. Let it happen naturally. You allow it to happen by being observant of your ways, seeing what you want to change in order to improve yourself, and being realistic, because it is a journey. A journey takes time.
2. DISCIPLINE - Self-love is not an easy thing to do. If it was, it wouldn't be a topic. You have to evaluate yourself mentally and physically, you have to be honest in every aspect of your life, you have to make changes from how you see yourself to how you let other people’s opinions affect you, etc. You have to put in the work in order to accomplish self-love, and that takes discipline.
3. MAKE NO COMPARISON - You can be given all the advice in the world, but just because it worked for 100 people, doesn't mean it'll work for you. Everyone is different. We know that, but when we have a problem, we seek problem-solving, answers, how to's, and Google searches. It's great to seek help, but don't get caught up in comparing your journey to others. Make your journey YOUR journey. It shouldn't be like anyone else's.
What's something we can incorporate today to LIVE LIFE WELL?:: Today, fear plays a huge part in our lives. One can be fearless in business, but be afraid of heights. Another person may not fear dogs, but they fear taking on the leadership role. Even if the fear is small, it's still stopping you from enjoying a certain part in your life.
Living life well is about growth, stepping out of your comfort zone, and switching up the routine.
Things work, because we take action. Incorporating LIVE LIFE WELL takes action. Action is about change. Change is about life. Life is about your journey. Your journey is YOUR journey. Feel free to stop me at any moment. LOL
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