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I strive to educate, empower and guide...

What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: I strive to educate, empower and guide communities to be their best through; Performing Arts, Wellness and Consulting.  I want to get pertinent information in the hands of people so they can make better, more informed decisions, know better, do better and be better.

How do you create the life you want?: It is a daily struggle to create the life I want. Everyday I have to remind myself that I have to "participate relentlessly in the manifestation of my own destiny."

What makes you HUMAN?: I have debilitating anxiety like most people do. My empathy triggers my anxiety. And then my anxiety debilitates my ability to be productive in life. So numerous "reality checkins" are a necessary part of my day. They consist of taking 10 conscious breathes, followed by asking myself if my emotions/feelings are triggered by; thoughts of the unchangeable past, worry about uncontrollable future, or a situation in the presence moment, and proceeding from there.

What's three things you want us to know about self-love/wellness?: 1. The simple act of hydrating and properly nourishing your body does more for your body than any meditation, mindful or fitness class.

2. Self Love/Wellness looks different every day. Don't get hung up on what you did yesterday but didn't do today. Each act of self love, no matter how small, is a step in the right direction

3. Self Love/ Wellness can alleviate stress and the negative affects it has on our health.

What's something we can incorporate today to LIVE LIFE WELL?:: Start your morning with 5 conscious breaths and set your intentions before you even leave your bed. Every morning meditate on the person you want to be. Imagine what a day in that life would look like, feel like, etc. See it clearly, and do it daily. It will change the momentum of your life.

Email Address: keisa.parrish@gmail.com

Website: https://www.keisaparrish.co

Social media handles?: https://www.instagram.com/keisaparrish/


