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Self-love/wellness is all about YOU!

What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: I’ve always loved to write. I begin writing creatively as a youth. I would write plays and then have auditions for plays I would put plays on in backyards. As I became older I began journaling. After my son died from injuries sustained in an automobile accident, I self-published my first book, My Whisper from God, available on Amazon. I would love to send you a copy. I’ve written the books and I am a part of two anthologies. Currently, working on my first fiction book. I am available for panel discussions and sharing my stories. My daughters, Michele and Ashley motivate me daily. Each day with my writing and insights from God keep me motivated and encouraged.

How do you create the life you want?: One step at a time. Making use of my time and saving. I am an Executive Assistant for the Kauffman Foundation and I am a mentor for young girls through a program entitled iMatterexperience as a facilitator. Giving back keeps me in a good space, mentally and physically.

What makes you HUMAN?: My flaws, my scars, and the blood that runs through my veins. I’m far from perfect, yet He loves me in spite of me and that is what makes me human.

What's three things you want us to know about self-love/wellness?: Self-love/wellness is all about YOU!

Y-you-the most important person in your life is you. There is no other person like you.

O-overcoming the past, faults, and lessons can be overwhelming. However, that’s when you obtain victory, success and living your best life.

U-umbrella shielding yourself from the storms, enemies, and toxic energy, food, and people in the world and creating boundaries is what I’ve learned to have wellness

What's something we can incorporate today to LIVE LIFE WELL?:: Face yourself in all of your good, bad, and ugly. Own who you are and remind yourself that you are wonderfully and uniquely made. You make better decisions when you’re honest with yourself.

Email Address: rlaw@rachelleco.com

Website: http://rachelleco.com

Social media handles?: IG-rachellelaw


LinkedIn-Rachelle Law