I'sha Gaines I'sha Gaines

2021 Self-Love Holiday Guide

What is your self-love language? Your self-love language is how you love yourself. It's the ways you extend gratitude towards everything you are and who you are becoming. It's your preferred way you show yourself love. We created the self-love languages guide as a way to help our followers listen to their bodies and their intuition. Self-awareness is key to LIVE LIFE WELL and we at HoneyBeNatural want you to be well. Enjoy the categories of this guide and shop the black-owned businesses throughout….

Here’s a guide for your total wellness! What is your self-love language? Your self-love language is how you love yourself. It's the ways you extend gratitude towards everything you are and who you are becoming. It's your preferred way you show yourself love. We created the self-love languages guide as a way to help our followers listen to their bodies and their intuition. Self-awareness is key to LIVE LIFE WELL and we at HoneyBeNatural want you to be well. Enjoy the categories of this guide and shop the black-owned businesses throughout.

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I'sha Gaines I'sha Gaines

2019 Calm Gift Guide



Tanya J Miller / www.tanyajmiller.com/books

DIVINE RELIEF OIL/ www.chaktherapy.com

Brass Crowrie Earrings / DawnFranklinDesigns

Carribbean Queen Body Butter/ www.notsewsimple.net

I AM Collection / www.etsy.com/shop/NaturallyYoursShop

Lavender Dreams Artisan Cold Process Soap / www.etsy.com/shop/DivineLuxury

I’m Sick Of This Shit / www.cadelete.com

Earths Nectar / Mint Leaves Collection **30% Off**


Sleep, Come Easily Essential Oil Self Care Diffuser Blend / www.etsy.com/shop/PinkMahogHany

No. 3 Zen Body Bar Soap / www.ensoapothecary.com

One Belief Mental Health Tees / www.onebelieforganization.org

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