Dong Quai
Dong Quai can boost energy levels and help fight anemia. Dong Quai may help lower blood pressure and help improve mental, skin, and bone health. Dong Quai has other name, primarily called female ginseng.
Dong Quai is a traditional Chinese herbal remedy with dong quai (Danggui Shaoyao San) relieved menstrual cramps better than painkillers. Dong Quai belongs to the same family as carrots, parsley, and celery. Dong Quai can be used as a blood thinner and purifier. Dong Quai can boost energy levels and help fight anemia. Dong Quai may help lower blood pressure and help improve mental, skin, and bone health. Dong Quai has other name, primarly called female ginseng.
Dong Quai may help with menopausal symptoms, regulates estrogen levels and regulates menses. It can increase male and female libido levels and fertility likelihood. Dong Quai can balance hormone levels and improves heart health. Dong Quai is a rich source of folic acid, biotin, vitamin B12, and nicotinic acid. Dong Quai promotes healing and helps with mood, depression, anxiety and stress. Dong QuaiI is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory and helps with alopecia, psoriasis, and eczema. Dong Quai strengthens bones and helps lowers blood sugar
Dong Quai should be avoided during pregnancy, lactation and menstruation. Can cause blood thinning and clots with some deficiencies, watch for allergies, if cancerous or on various medications.