Let's Drink + Be Merry at Sip & Share Winery!

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Jesus drank wine, but was it blood orange with a hint of apple? …..and if Nicole Kearney has any say in it, there’s some for everyone! Let’s raise a toast to Sip & Share Winery, a brilliant VEGAN winery that is dedicated to keeping our glasses (and hearts!) full. Nicole has hosted plenty of wine tastings in her town of Indianapolis, IN, but she grew tired of seeing the lack of representation in the wine community. Well, viola: this wine enthusiast founded Sip & Share Winery, which works to expose wine culture to the black community by highlight black winemakers, hosting wine tastings, and producing excellent wine with rich, blended, cultured backgrounds. We’ll have another round of black inclusion, thank you very much. Cheers to Nicole because, hello...we love wine too! Pour us up sis. We invite you to meet Nicole Kearney, Queen of Wine!


 Where do I find inspiration?: I find the inspiration to keep going in showing my children you can have a dream, take small action steps and make it into a reality. My children and my family are my biggest cheerleaders and supporters. I know that my business is a reflection of them, their dreams and a legacy I'm creating. I find inspiration in other creatives. I'm a writer as well. I've spent two decades surrounded by actors, playwrights and screenwriters and directors. It has taught me collaboration and to see the solution and areas of opportunity in situations.

 What does my company stand for?: Sip & Share Winery mission is to produce wines that are accessible, affordable and targeted to the current growing demographics of wine drinkers ignored and untapped by the wine industry. Our handcrafted, small-batch, vegan wines are easy to drink, fun and bring people together for any occasion. Providing wine education is important to ensure people feel comfortable navigating wine, as wine is a social drink, the preferred beverage of business.

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 How has your business?: When I started my business, I was told I would do well as  I was a relationship builder. This wasn't a trait I saw in myself prior. It has also put me on a path of being better disciplined. I started with making my bed daily for at least 30 days. Now I make it every day. Then I focused on eating better, drinking more water and working out 15 minutes a day and riding 3 miles, now I ride 6-8 miles, 3-4 days a week for 30 minutes. I know I can accomplish anything I set my mind to as long as I break it down into manageable tasks, start small and steady and build. This is the mantra I use to guide myself daily. I continue to assist others in finding and pursuing their passion. Giving always results in blessings.

 How do I create:?: Creating the life I want for me started when I become a recovered co-dependent; simultaneously seeing a therapist to work through past traumas, grief and poor relationship choices. This lead to my healing, loving and valuing myself and being the healthiest version of myself is a journey. I practice self-love, self-care and take time to smell, sip and share wonderful wines as I go on my journey. These things allow me to live a fulfilling, joyous and passion filled life daily.

Website: http://www.sipnsharewine.net

Social Media Handles: @sipnsharewinery

Email: sipnsharewine@gmail.com

Phone: (317) 758-7075


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