The Elephant in The Room: Alopecia.
Time to talk about the elephant in the room when it comes to hair: Alopecia. None of my sisters should feel ashamed about it and there are solutions to help. Kamika King decided to take back her hair and went a step further by sharing it with the world. Through her business Makeba Co & The I Am Grooming Co, Kamika is giving people organic products that provide results. Reviving hair and healing hearts, we have deemed Kamika Queen of Alopecia Care.
What inspired you to start your business and why?: I originally started my business because I was struggling with alopecia hair loss and couldn't find reliable products to help me deal with those issues. Soon after as the business began to take off I added to our men's line which has done very well. Now I have two brands that support our community and that effectively address personal care concerns.
What does your company stand for?: In one word, healing! Our brand is about healing personal care issues, and empowering individuals to take back their hair and their skin. We make products that are effective, organic, and that people enjoy using, but most importantly our products do what they say they'll do and make customers feel good about the choices that they've made to use them.
How do you create the life you want?: Be consistent and be clear on what your vision is. I am living my best life yet because I laid aside a lot of my superficial desires and focused on honing in on the heart of the matter. What's most important to me? To me, time is everything. To not be obligated in areas that are not a necessity for my life. I love just beeing able to vege out after a long day! So I have chosen to rid myself of a lot of superficial things, places and people that get in the way of me getting the piece of life that I want. I also have gotten rid of a lot of financial woes so now I can spend my money in peace. That's creating the life you want.
Where do you find inspiration?: All around me! I just like to sit and think and ideas generally tend to come.
How has your business made you a better person?: Once I finally began to take my business seriously I began to become more consistent. I was reliable before, but consistency and endurance were things that I cultivated as a business owner. It is also made me more confident in myself. Confident that I could make things happen without needing income or a job. When you only have yourself to rely on it puts a fire under you.
What makes you HUMAN?: My need and willingness to have other people in my life to share this journey with. My desire to help others makes me human. Being empathetic and loving other people is important to have a full life. I have a full life. So I use my gifts to be a blessing to other people and to continue to create the best life possible.
Social Media Handles: @lovemakeba on IG/FB/Twitter