A picture is worth a thousand words!
A picture is worth a thousand words, and this creative queen is determined to make sure your pictures are only saying the sweetest things back to you! Meet Olesha Haskett, founder of OH Experience Boudoir Photography, gets behind the lens to capture self-love on film. Olesha is committed to making women feel beautiful, worthy, and empowered...on their own terms. She recognizes the importance of glorifying your beauty for your own wellness. Using the “OH” Experience, Olesha offers the chance for women to define what their sexy is. Picture, picture, on the wall...who says you don’t deserve to feel like you got it all? Ladies, let this company encourage you to have the audacity to love yourself hard. We invite you to meet Olesha, Queen of Framed Art!
What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: I was inspired to start my business when I realized I wanted women, especially black women, to feel empowered, beautiful and sexy on their own terms. I went through a period in my life when I did not feel beautiful or sexy. I wanted to help myself through that and help other women as well. I am motivated by the women I photograph. Their reaction to seeing themselves. Many of my Beauties, my clients, cannot believe that woman in the image is her. That is my greatest motivator.
What does your company stand for?: My company stands for the empowerment of women to define their own sexy, worth and beauty.
How do you create the life you want?: I create the life I want by cultivating my happiness. I know that I have to work hard to be happy because their are so many negative things that can happen around us.So I strive to see the best possible outcomes in all situations. I have a mantra I repeat when i have feeling burdened by life, " All is well. Everything is working out for my highest good. I am safe. "
What makes you HUMAN?: My empathy and willingness to forgive makes me human. I have had a very rough few years. Things happened that I would not wish on my worst enemy. From those experiences I had to learn to forgive others and especially myself. It was a hard lesson, but it gave me a new outlook on life.
What are three things your want people to know about self-love?:
1. Self love is hard! It doesn't happen over night. It has to be cultivated day after day.
2. Self love is necessary. If you cannot love yourself how do you expect others to love you.
3. Self love is so important for black women. It is not selfish.
What's something we can incorporate today to start loving ourselves more?: A boudoir experience! I recently did my own and I fell deeper in love with myself. I wrote three poems about loving myself after it. Framed and hung the poems in my bedroom. I also printed four of the images from the boudoir experience and hung those in my bedroom. Everyday I wake up to me! I smile every morning.
What has been your own journey with self love?: My journey with self love has been rocky. I relied on another for several years to define who I was. When I no longer did that I had to define who I was as a woman. Who and what I wanted this new Olesha to be. It has been a hard journey of healing, but I would not change anything about it.
Leave an affirmation for readers.....: Please have the audacity to love yourself a little harder.
Any books or apps recommendations?: Favorite authors for black love:
Love Belvin
Alexandra Warren
Christina C Jones
Email Address: olesha@ohexperience.com
Website: http://www.ohexperience.com
Social media handles?: ohexperience - instagram
Twitter: @oh_experience