You are fearfully, wonderfully made.
You are fearfully, wonderfully made. You have been crafted with unique fibers that were designed to make you stand out. So why not dress yourself accordingly? Malacia Anderson, the founder of Li Li’s Creations based in Roosevelt, New York, started her clothing business to provide rich and culturally-inspired designs for the modern woman. The same way Malacia is using her gift to share beautiful pieces, she’s using her company to share faith and fashion with her customers. Self-love is all about how you decide to view yourself; not how the world may see you. An essential key is viewing yourself positively is remember how God views you: beautiful, fearfully and wonderfully made. Saying daily affirmations that speak highly of yourself has been a routine that works wonders for Malacia, and she encourages you to pick up that healthy habit as well! We are inspired by this terrific use of your talent, Malacia. We’d love for you to meet Malacia, Queen of Design!
What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: I started my business August 6, 2013 as a birthday present to myself. It was my way of sharing my gifts and focusing on putting myself first in ways I was not doing before. My motivation is God and my family. I recognize that no matter the obstacles walking in, my gift is His will for my life and I must continue. Sharing faith, fashion and inspiration to my customers. Giving them unique designs that makes them feel bold and fearfully made makes the trials worth it to continue.
What does your company stand for?: Li Li's Creations is a handmade clothing brand that is rich in culture offering one of a kind unique designs for the modern woman.
How do you create the life you want?: By focusing on my goals and dreams each and every day. Staying consistent and intentional in the things that I do.
What makes you HUMAN?: There are times when it is so challenging that I have considered quitting. Having to start over and not knowing how things will turn out have definitely brought tears and anxiety.
What are three things your want people to know about self-love?: God has made us fearfully and wonderfully made. It's important to define who we are based off his view and not the limited view of others. To know that we are enough is to say no matter the flaws, I am enough and deserve all the good that comes my way. Be gentle with yourself and work everyday to see the beauty of who you are.
What's something we can incorporate today to start loving ourselves more?: Speaking positive affirmations to oneself.
What has been your own journey with self love?: Li Li's Creations is my ongoing journey with self love, being reflective in who I am and not be afraid to be honest about my flaws. Working on healing everyday to become the best version of myself.
Leave an affirmation for readers.....: Your unique gifts are what's needed in this world by walking in them you bring more of God's love to the forefront.
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Social media handles?: Instagram liliscreations_lili814
Any books or apps recommendations?: Unfold and in touch are great apps for creating content