Let’s be real...nothing messy ever works out for the best

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Let’s be real...nothing messy ever works out for the best. Messy relationships, messy spills, messy situations...all of that’s no good. So why would you want your own space to reflect a mess? You should be allowed to grow and thrive in your environment; free of clutter, free to blossom. Tanisha Porter, owner of Natural Born Organizers, has always been passionate about creating and maintaining organization in any space available. She believes that we’re given individual talents to elevate others; what a service she has truly been! Natural Born Organizers works to ensure that their customers in the Los Angeles area are not overwhelmed in their personal space to be great. Granting courage to conquer your clutter and providing non judgemental support in sorting whatever mess that may be messing with you is only part of what this spectacular business does. We are grateful for your empowering sense to truly straighten things out, Tanisha. We’d like to introduce Tanisha, Queen of Getting It Together!


What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: When we bought our first home it was during the recession in 2009. Both my husband and I had witnessed so many people getting laid off from their corporate jobs. While I was watching HGTV, which is what you do when you move into a new space, an organizing expert was talent on a show which sparked an interest. That interest turned to research and in January 2013, Natural Born Organizers was launched to transform the homes of people who struggle with situational &/or chronic disorganization while teaching them skills to create and maintain systems of their own. I realize now that this is my unique offering to the masses. It’s my super power. And just like a peacock who never opened its plumage would be a shame...so would it be if I didn’t share my natural gifts & talents. It’s the exchange of our individual strengths that make us all achieve our highest dreams and aspirations and live the lives we want.

What does your company stand for?: My company stands for hope, transformation, integrity, and mutual respect.

How do you create the life you want?: I’m still creating everyday by actively working toward achieving balance, self care dailies, and time and financial freedom for me and my family. It’s hard. It’s a challenge. But a challenge worth working toward.

What makes you HUMAN?: I cry. I get depressed. I’m not always perfect and neither are my house, marriage, kids, or family. I compare myself to others. And I experience highs and lows aspects of my life sometimes in the same 24 hours. I put one foot in front of the otter like. I strive to do and be myself everyday because well...that’s all I know to be.

What are three things your want people to know about self-love?: 1) It should be mandatory

2) It is contagious

3) Self Love Is the greatest daily supplement we can give ourselves.

What's something we can incorporate today to start loving ourselves more?: Find a great therapist!

What has been your own journey with self love?: Doing something everyday that turns the focus on me!

Leave an affirmation for readers.....: I am unique. I am imperfect. I am growing stronger and better everyday. I am a gift to the world in my own special way. So here I come...humble yet confident leaving my mark with every smile, word, gesture, and step.

Email Address: tanisha@naturalbornorganizers.com

Website: http://naturalbornorganizers.com

Social media handles?: Instagram.com/naturalbornorganizers



Any books or apps recommendations?: It’s a Wonderful (Imperfect) Life by Joan C Webb (Devotional)


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