Our queens are no strangers to when it comes to doing their own thing...

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Our queens are no strangers to when it comes to doing their own thing simply because they can. If they like it, we love it! But it doesn’t matter what we think; Shadae Washington, founder of RebelleGems based in Lutherville Timonium, Maryland, prides herself on being her biggest fan. When Shadae decided she’d rather make her own jewelry instead of paying for overpriced pieces, she remained her biggest motivation to start her business (and to keep it flourishing!). Shadae learned a lot about supporting herself by prioritizing self-love; even if it’s only 5 minutes of the day, she’s going to take that time to do something she loves. Major tip: you should too! While Shadae’s not making bracelets out of stones and gems, she’s getting her research on with the book The Crystal Bible. If you love gems as much as her, we definitely recommend you check it out! We are inspired by you’re boldness to step out on what you love, Shadae. We’d love to introduce you to Shadae, Queen of Beaded Bracelets!

What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: I loved beaded jewelry but I thought people charged way too much for them. I decided to make my own, and people wanted to buy them from me. If I can do what I like to do and people love to wear my jewels, that's amazing. I motivate myself to keep going. I'm my best supporter and best motivator. Knowing that I can grow from my own hobby and maybe do more as in owning a shop is enough motivation for me. Nobody has your back like you do.

What does your company stand for?: Rebellegems is to rebel from being what people want you to be. To stand out, be different, and be weird. Jewelry should make a statement and bring your outfit out and that's what I'm aiming to do.

How do you create the life you want?: You create the life you want in your head, you plan it out, and execute it. You can have whatever you want in life if u work for it.

Me I see something I want and create goals short term and long term. I work towards getting it and it's worked so far.

What makes you HUMAN?: Knowing you're not perfect and that you can make mistakes. To show emotions when your angry scream and if you're sad cry wherever you are because holding it in is not human. To fail and be able to accept that and work towards being successful again. Humans are a mess but a beautiful mess.

What are three things your want people to know about self-love?: Its needed, it comes first no matter what, and its mental and physical

What's something we can incorporate today to start loving ourselves more?: To take time out to do something you love everyday. Even if it's 5 minutes out of your day, make that your time to do what you want.

What has been your own journey with self love?: To be honest I never gave myself self love until this year. I was all to please everyone but myself. That's very draining and it wears you down; that definitely happened to me. This year I started to do for me and do what I loved more. To take care of me. pampering me physically or mentally.

Leave an affirmation for readers.....: I am worthy of success.-Emma Ward

Email Address: Shadae_washington@yahoo.com

Website: http://Rebellegems.bigcartel.com

Social media handles?: Ig: RebelleGems 

FB: RebelleGemstones

Any books or apps recommendations?: The crystal bible- great for gemstone lovers.


Patience. Passion. Purpose.


Music is universal. Music is passionate and Purposeful.