Hair history in the black community has been proved to be a burden for many


Hair history in the black community has been proved to be a burden for many. Fortunately, it’s also been a blessing to many, many more. When it comes to turning pain into passion, Yakima Fernandez is using her business, Onyx Haircare, to turn her strength into an even stronger salary. It’s no wonder this Baton Rouge-based beauty is such an inspiration; she was able to take a dark time in her life and use that energy to create a beautiful product line, that will undoubtedly bring joy to Black women who want better for their hair. Turning lemons into lemonade...we are in awe of what you have accomplished. Thank you for turning your work into our light. We’d love to introduce you to Yakima, Queen of Strength!


What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: Being a single mom in Corporate America is tough. I’ve cried countless times because I’ve missed things at my children’s school or have had to sacrifice and explain to one why I couldn’t come to an event the same day another had an event at their school. My children motivate me. They have been my strength from the day I had my first.

What does your company stand for?: Onyx means strength. It came from a place of pain and manifested when I didn’t have a desire to live after losing my parents 10 months apart. God spoke to me at my lowest point and helped me transform that pain and negative energy into something beautiful, amazing and positive. He gave me the strength I needed in Onyx to go on.


How do you create the life you want?: I still work in Corporate America Monday-Friday so that I can get my business off the ground debt free. The money I make, takes care of home and Onyc. There is not one day that goes by that I don’t do something to get my business to place they will set me free financially. I am driven and motivated to live a life free of time clocks and having to punch in everyday.

What makes you HUMAN?: My heart for people. I’ve been told I am a light in dark places, kind, gentle, uplifting, motivating and so many other sweet adjectives. I take pride in being what I needed at the lowest point of my life. I am extremely filled after I encourage someone,

speak blessings over their lives and pray for their trials to dissipate.

What are three things your want people to know about self-love?:

Self love is a necessity

Self love allows you to be able to care for others around you

Self love is an outward reflection of what’s on the inside

What's something we can incorporate today to start loving ourselves more?: Taking time on a regular basis to do something that you love. Forget the world around you and do at least one thing you love once a week or once a month but definitely regularly. Turn off phones, place a hold on checking emails, read a good book, get a massage, manicure, pedicure, get your hair done, get dressed, speak positive affirmations to yourself through the mirror and anything else you enjoy. Make it a habit to do something often for just you.

What has been your own journey with self love?: For quite sometime I placed myself on the back burner simply because in my mind I wear too many hats to even think about myself. I recently began my journey to self love and it began with scheduling a therapy session for individual counseling. I now set aside time for true “me” time. My family knows to just let me be and it has been the best thing I’ve ever experienced. Self love has changed my life!


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