We all need those sweet, gentle reminders to love ourselves through all of life’s twists and turns


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We all need those sweet, gentle reminders to love ourselves through all of life’s twists and turns. What better way to be reminded than to wear it? Iyana Laws, based in Lexington Park, Maryland, is using her Yoni Love waistbeads to encourage women to embrace body positivity and mindfulness. These waistbeads, strung together beautifully with meaningful beads and stones, are used to help women adore their body, all while stepping into a divine, feminine energy. Body jewelry to accompany your journey to self-love looks pretty powerful...and it feels even better. We’d love to introduce you to Iyana Laws, Queen of Good Energy!


What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: My business was born out of my own need for self care. After moving through miscarriage in 2016, protecting the womb space became very sacred to me. Making Waistbeads allows me to send healing to wombs across the country; healing my own by default.

What does your company stand for?: My company stands for self care. For self accountability. For sisterhood. For taking the reigns and designing your best life on your terms.

How do you create the life you want?: I’m constantly creating my best life by showing up authentically. By seeking out the lesson in each experience and connection. By reaching to the side of me and supporting those around me (in person and virtually). That’s what fulfills me.

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What makes you HUMAN?: My flaws and the desire to constantly improve in spite of them makes me human.

What are three things your want people to know about self-love?:

Self love is:



•The well you draw from to pour into others

What's something we can incorporate today to start loving ourselves more?: Staying hydrated and breathing - deeply + intentionally.

What has been your own journey with self love?: My self love journey is ongoing. It involves me being gentle yet honest with myself. Acceptance is a huge part too. When you accept yourself, as you are and without excuse, it allows you to press forward with much less emotional baggage. To travel lighter.

Leave an affirmation for readers.....: “Self care teaches me that I can pour into myself just as much as I pour into others.” Alex Elle

Email Address: Theyonilove@gmail.com


Social media handles?: IG- @yoniLoveWaistbeads

FB- Yoni Love: Tools for Self Care

Any books or apps recommendations?:

Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav

Today I Affirm by Alex Elle

Sacred Woman by Queen Afua


Are you living your best, healthy life?


Home is when the clothes fit you just right, leaving you feel more than allllright.