Adjust your crown with a smile!
Intentionality is everything and when your t-shirt business affirms you during your time of loss, you heal. In a time of loss, Nitra Love of Atlanta, GA released her feelings on motivational tees. With the idea of PUSH THROUGH being a personal mantra, Nitra is about hard work and making it happen. It’s hard to go through life feeling like you’re not good enough. It’s not a healthy way to live. We love that this queen recognizes that the hidden traumas can prevent you from living a fulfilled life. Even more self-doubt kills your soul. We are learning that the secret to self-love is digging up our dirt and facing it head on. The Miss Intentional brand is bold, loud and inspiring. This t-shirt line gives a voice to those who want to live a purposeful and intentional life. We can tell by her book recommendations: Luviee, I’m Judging You, Jennifer Lewis, The Mother of Black Hollywood and Mike Epps, Unsuccessful Thug that Nitra has taken a “loss” and turned it into wins. Simply put, sometimes we all need to reclaim our worth, combat negative thoughts and make a change. We’d like to introduce you to the Queen of adjusting your crown with a smile!
What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: My inspiration came at a time of loss. Loss identity to a horrible relationship and abuse. My ahaaa moment came when reading my own reviews left by clients as a hairstylist. With many praises and accolades for being da bomb stylist, so perfect and prompt, I accepted the fact that all was well on the outside but I felt like crap on the inside...everything in my life was not okay and I was tired of being broken. I started creating custom T-shirts really, for myself. Meaning, the messages were things that I needed to see in order to get me through. I needed uplifting so I put inspiration messages front and center. I didn’t want to talk so I wrote out my thoughts purposely and put them on tees for the world to see. Sort of like an inside cry. I was working from the inside out and everything in me needed to be released. This endeavor has helped me heal.
What does your company stand for?: My company stands for intentionality, freedom of expression, creativity and thought. My company stands for individuality, sisterhood and love. My company stands for the underdogs who want to speak but cower in fear of judgment. My company stand for me and all that I’ve been through. Miss.Intentional is more than just a name. Miss. Intentional is the Sasha Fierce of my ego.. she's bold, brave, says and do whatever she wants, intentionally without regrets. I love Miss.Intentional. I love what I do. I was born to create and cultivate relationships on many different diverse levels. My company is indicative of the trophies that I never won.
Miss. Congeniality.. NO
Miss. Most likely to succeed..NO
Miss. America... NO
Miss. Intentional.... Absolutely!
I will take that and run with it any day.
How do you create the life you want?: I create the life that I want by never giving up. I’ve worked hard everyday day of my existence to survive... not only to survive but thrive. It’s hard being me heck it's hard being a woman period. But I learned early on the value of hard work, determination and perseverance. By all means necessary, PUSH THROUGH.
What makes you HUMAN?: The air that I breathe and the constant beat of my heart. Being HUMAN is only one aspect of being alive. The resilience of my SPIRIT is what keeps me here.
What are three things your want people to know about self-love?: As with all things self-love is a process and there is no blueprint to achieving it. As with all processes its forever changing. For me, the journey to self love has been through self acceptance. Accepting my imperfections, acknowledging hidden traumas and finally being to realize that I am okay just the way God made me.. “black and ugly as ever HOWEVER !!!!” I want people to know that the journey to self love is a process, own it, cultivate it, bend with it and get through it.
What's something we can incorporate today to start loving ourselves more?: We can incorporate a daily mantra. Mine has always been “I’m the biggest superstar that I know!” It has helped me channel more positive energy back to me. Self doubt is a killer but there are ways to combat negative thoughts.. simply put, learn to adjust your own crown.
What has been your own journey with self love?: My journey has been a lifelong process of never feeling good enough. Reclaiming my worth has given me the confidence to speak aloud as opposed to just writing or “putting it on a tee”. My journey had consisted of just living life... nothing special except owning the definition of being intentional and purposely redirecting all the love that I gave so freely away back to me.
Leave an affirmation for readers.....: LOOK GOOD. FEEL GOOD. BE DIFFERENT. BE YOU.
Email Address:
Social media handles?: IG:@miss_intentional
Any books or apps recommendations?: Jennifer Lewis, Mother of Black Hollywood
Luviee,I’m Judging You
Mike Epps, Unsuccessful Thug