I am in a constant state of embracing my flaws...

What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: I started my business because I wanted to help people learn how to invest in their self care. Self care is an affordable luxury that most people neglect or think they have to go to a high end spa to obtain. I create products that allow one to create that luxury self care experience at home within their own bath or shower regime. What keeps me going is that aha moment my clients share when they release they are the best at taking care of their own well being and self-care.

How do you create the life you want?: That is a very good question, I feel I’m still processing creating the life that I want .For the most part I make sure that my self care regimen is very luxe as though someone else is creating my products. I take the time to enjoy nature, relish in fine foods and restaurants. Enjoying a movie. It’s about me bringing the luxe experience home.

What makes you HUMAN?: What makes me human is the fact that I am in a constant state of embracing my flaws. My flaws keep me humble.

What's three things you want us to know about self-love/wellness?: My three things that I want you to know about self love and wellness is that it takes time…. It’s practice to process and process makes purpose. Secondly, wellness is subjective to the person practicing it. It’s not a one size fits all. It's like a journey that people have to go on their own and along the way they meet who they are supposed to meet in that journey.

What's something we can incorporate today to LIVE LIFE WELL?:: The one thing I recommend that people incorporate in their journey right now is to live in the now. To live in the present moment. Stop focusing so much on the future. Stop swimming in the past- just breathe in the now and let the road unfold as it should.

Email Address: mzisabellegracelee@icloud.com

Website: http://www.Ahhflourish.com

Social media handles?: www.Instagram.com/ahhflourish



I create the life I want by faith walking...


Self care all the time is the mantra…