Let’s get one thing abundantly clear: your hair should never be considered a burden.
Let’s get one thing abundantly clear: your hair should never be considered a burden. For Black women and women of color, hair has always been a touchy subject. So much to the point to where it’s difficult to love the hair that’s naturally growing out of your scalp. Vecoya Banks recognized the lack of love in the natural hair community and vowed to make a difference. What a huge difference she’s made: Love the Hair You Wear, based in Washington D.C., is the safe space that Black women and women of color need. By creating this phenomenon, Vecoya encourages her community to embrace their natural hair roots by hosting annual events that feature panels, tutorials, giveaways, and discussions that celebrate your hair. Love the Hair You Wear is not only an incredible community, but it’s a lifestyle that is helping women feel empowered (rather than embarrassed) by their hair. Vecoya, Love the Hair You Wear has shown us self-love is always possible (and always necessary!), even in your most natural state. We thank you for your tremendous service! We’d love for you to meet Vecoya, Queen of Natural Hair Advocacy!
Let’s get one thing abundantly clear: your hair should never be considered a burden. For Black women and women of color, hair has always been a touchy subject. So much to the point to where it’s difficult to love the hair that’s naturally growing out of your scalp. Vecoya Banks recognized the lack of love in the natural hair community and vowed to make a difference. What a huge difference she’s made: Love the Hair You Wear, based in Washington D.C., is the safe space that Black women and women of color need. By creating this phenomenon, Vecoya encourages her community to embrace their natural hair roots by hosting annual events that feature panels, tutorials, giveaways, and discussions that celebrate your hair. Love the Hair You Wear is not only an incredible community, but it’s a lifestyle that is helping women feel empowered (rather than embarrassed) by their hair. Vecoya, Love the Hair You Wear has shown us self-love is always possible (and always necessary!), even in your most natural state. We thank you for your tremendous service! We’d love for you to meet Vecoya, Queen of Natural Hair Advocacy!
What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: LTHYW was created to help women of color embrace their natural hair roots, increase self-esteem, and enjoy the company of other natural beauties. This is especially important in today's political climate because women of color need a safe space to be themselves and discuss the issues that are important to them. Hair is the vehicle for this event but the message is so much deeper. At Love The Hair You Wear vendors, male/female models, tutorials, natural hair bloggers and a hairstylist panel unite to create a welcoming environment to embrace who you are. LTHYW is a uniquely curated experience for Natural Beauty Enthusiasts to directly connect natural hair brands that support the multicultural community. Loving and accepting yourself means loving every part of you flaws and all. This includes loving the hair that grows out of your scalp and not comparing it to any one else.
It’s so important to be grateful and find the beauty in each of our natural tresses.
How do you create the life you want?: I'm still figuring that out. I'm finding balance is important.
I focus on the goals that I want to achieve and offer myself grace throughout the process helps me create the life I want.
What makes you HUMAN?: My flaws make me human.
I'm on a quest daily to embrace my unique qualities and letting myself know it’s okay to make mistakes.
I'm not perfect so holding myself to a standard of perfection is useless.
What's three things you want us to know about self-love/wellness?:
[Self-Love] I focus on my mental, physical and spiritual well being. I think focusing on keeping those three aspects in a healthy space is the key to balancing wellness.
What's something we can incorporate today to LIVE LIFE WELL?:: Being present is a way to incorporate living life well. There are some days that I feel like I have it all together and other days where it's the complete opposite. Through this pandemic I'm learning to really be okay with the days that I don't have it together. That might be calling out of work and just focusing on my mental health that day and it's all okay. Long walks are really a life saver these days.
Email Address: vecoyagreene@gmail.com
Website: http://lovethehairyouweardc.com
Social media handles?: @lthywdc @vecoya