I'sha Gaines I'sha Gaines

I get up most mornings knowing God's got this day...

My inspiration to start A Motivating Love began as Always Mothers Luncheon. The luncheon was started for my daughter who was off to college and alone. I wanted to teach her that there can be other mother figures in her life both near and far.

What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: My inspiration to start A Motivating Love began as Always Mothers Luncheon. The luncheon was started for my daughter who was off to college and alone. I wanted to teach her that there can be other mother figures in her life both near and far. I wanted her to have the extended family of mothers that I have in my life. I knew that if she developed these relationships, she would always be protected and someone there to help guide her into adulthood. My motivation to keep going is the need I see in other women. So many women feel like they have to re-invite the wheel of life, constantly struggling on their own with no one to turn to. I want to give other women the experience of making quality friendships that they can turn to in the future. I want every woman to know that she is not alone.

How do you create the life you want?: I get up most mornings knowing God's got this day. I thank him for my blessing and let him handle the rest. I try to always have a can do attitude. A bad attitude can ruin your day, week and friendships. A positive state of mind creates a happy life, most days.

What makes you HUMAN?: Human? Well I can confidently say I have experienced a lot in my life, just like many others. Love, Loss, Depression. I am not immune to any of it. I have a lot of real life experiences to share and hopefully help others not make the same mistakes. Human in my world is someone who has empathy for another, but is strong enough to hold that other person up with love and grace when needed. That's called being a friend in reach everyday all the time. That's what makes me human.

What's three things you want us to know about self-love/wellness?: You are not alone in this thing called life - that's mental wellness

You must take time for yourself to unplug and recharge so you can have time for the others in your life - that's self care

Without self love you will just be an empty shell of a woman going through the motions of an very unfulfilled life

What's something we can incorporate today to LIVE LIFE WELL?:: Take that needed time for yourself, breathe, enjoy the good things in life you have been blessed with and thank God for another day to spend with the ones you love!

Email Address: Support@AMotivatingLove.org

Website: http://AMotivatingLove.org

Social media handles?: Facebook.com/AMotivatingLove



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I'sha Gaines I'sha Gaines

I create the life I want...

Self love is the ability to be able to love yourself even when you feel like you don’t have a reason to. Self love is freedom. Self love is essential to you growth in this life. Taking care of your body is an act of self love.

What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: My children, and the demand from social media. I have been using the products that I make since 2014, a push from social media inspired me to make them into a business. My children motivate me to keep going. My daughter mimics everything that I do, my son brags about his mother’s “growth essentials.” Wanting to inspire my children to be everything that they want to be inspires me.How do you create the life you want?: I create the life I want by refusing to let the cards that I’ve been dealt dictate how far I can go. I’ve always dreamed beyond my reality and I’m determined to bring all of those dreams into fruition.

What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: My children, and the demand from social media. I have been using the products that I make since 2014, a push from social media inspired me to make them into a business. My children motivate me to keep going. My daughter mimics everything that I do, my son brags about his mother’s “growth essentials.” Wanting to inspire my children to be everything that they want to be inspires me.

How do you create the life you want?: I create the life I want by refusing to let the cards that I’ve been dealt dictate how far I can go. I’ve always dreamed beyond my reality and I’m determined to bring all of those dreams into fruition.

What makes you HUMAN?: Creating.

What's three things you want us to know about self-love/wellness?: Self love is the ability to be able to love yourself even when you feel like you don’t have a reason to. Self love is freedom. Self love is essential to you growth in this life. Taking care of your body is an act of self love.

What's something we can incorporate today to LIVE LIFE WELL?:: Mediation. Meditation is so freeing, it really teaches you to be still and to focus on what really matters, your breathing, your peace, stillness.

Email Address: info@surigrowthessentials.com

Website: http://www.surigrowthessentials.com

Social media handles?: Twitter/IG: @styledtoatea

Business IG: @surigrowthessentials

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I'sha Gaines I'sha Gaines

There is no cookie cutter perfect way...

I am first honest with myself by saying out loud what it is I want, then I write It down somewhere visible to train my mind. From there on out I become very conscious of making choices that align with what I want.

What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: After being a nurse for 11 years, and the physical/mental toll It took on me, I knew I needed a change. But I still wanted to help people and with a master of science focus in herbal medicine and genomics + nursing I knew I had to find a way to merge the two and the rest of my colorful background

How do you create the life you want?: I am first honest with myself by saying out loud what it is I want, then I write It down somewhere visible to train my mind. From there on out I become very conscious of making choices that align with what I want.

What makes you HUMAN?: My Chakras are aligned but I can still be with the sh!ts

Lol but really it’s true. I know I’m not perfect, I know I might fall but I equally also know It ain’t in me it’s in me so I always have to get back up.... for my clients I call It course correcting.

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What's three things you want us to know about self-love/wellness?: 1. It’s a wholistic effort (mind body and spirit)

2. There is no cookie cutter perfect way, but you must honor you first

3. Self-love/wellness is all about uncovering what's keeping you stagnant in order to rediscover the true you and walk into your best self.

3.5 *It's a process, always

What's something we can incorporate today to LIVE LIFE WELL?:: Being mindful of everything you put in your body, thoughts, images, food, energy....

Email Address: info@purerevivalwellness.com

Website: http://Purerevivalwellness.com

Social media handles?: PureRevival_Wellness - IG


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I'sha Gaines I'sha Gaines

Self-love/wellness is all about YOU!

I’ve always loved to write. I begin writing creatively as a youth. I would write plays and then have auditions for plays I would put plays on in backyards. As I became older I began journaling. After my son died from injuries sustained in an automobile accident, I self-published my first book, My Whisper from God, available on Amazon.

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What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: I’ve always loved to write. I begin writing creatively as a youth. I would write plays and then have auditions for plays I would put plays on in backyards. As I became older I began journaling. After my son died from injuries sustained in an automobile accident, I self-published my first book, My Whisper from God, available on Amazon. I would love to send you a copy. I’ve written the books and I am a part of two anthologies. Currently, working on my first fiction book. I am available for panel discussions and sharing my stories. My daughters, Michele and Ashley motivate me daily. Each day with my writing and insights from God keep me motivated and encouraged.

How do you create the life you want?: One step at a time. Making use of my time and saving. I am an Executive Assistant for the Kauffman Foundation and I am a mentor for young girls through a program entitled iMatterexperience as a facilitator. Giving back keeps me in a good space, mentally and physically.

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What makes you HUMAN?: My flaws, my scars, and the blood that runs through my veins. I’m far from perfect, yet He loves me in spite of me and that is what makes me human.

What's three things you want us to know about self-love/wellness?: Self-love/wellness is all about YOU!

Y-you-the most important person in your life is you. There is no other person like you.

O-overcoming the past, faults, and lessons can be overwhelming. However, that’s when you obtain victory, success and living your best life.

U-umbrella shielding yourself from the storms, enemies, and toxic energy, food, and people in the world and creating boundaries is what I’ve learned to have wellness

What's something we can incorporate today to LIVE LIFE WELL?:: Face yourself in all of your good, bad, and ugly. Own who you are and remind yourself that you are wonderfully and uniquely made. You make better decisions when you’re honest with yourself.

Email Address: rlaw@rachelleco.com

Website: http://rachelleco.com

Social media handles?: IG-rachellelaw


LinkedIn-Rachelle Law

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I'sha Gaines I'sha Gaines

What makes me human is that I am not perfect...

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What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: What inspired me to start my own life coaching business was after experiencing my own journey of transitioning from a divorce. Learning how to navigate through life as a new mother and single was very challenging deciding on which focuses I needed to prepare myself for having a life coach would’ve been much easier. So I began to coach my peers in the circle of women in my community which led to me becoming certified and creating Stacey Kiarra life coaching for women in transition.

How do you create the life you want?: I create the life that I want by setting goals prioritizing throughout the year I aluminate most in all toxic environments whether it’s social, mental and physical environments. I also have a life coach and a mentor that keeps me accountable throughout the year.

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What makes you HUMAN?: What makes me human is that I am not perfect. I deal with life adversities just like every other person. However I strive to be more godlike yet I understand and judge no one.

What's three things you want us to know about self-love/wellness?: Self-love starts with your spiritual awareness, understanding that God made you for a purpose.

Take time to heal. Learn to understand where self doubt and any insecurities you may have come from I seeking a therapist.

Plan with intentions on self improvement in areas you feel you need. Life coaching can guide you through those roadblocks and help you become the best version of yourself

What's something we can incorporate today to LIVE LIFE WELL?:: To live life well, I would say meditation gives more spiritual awareness. Therapy is a must to untangle our past. And discipline, learning to discipline our mind over our emotions can you help us navigate closer to our goals and a healthy space.

Email Address: bethatchickllc@gmail.com

Website: http://Staceyquiana.com

Social media handles?: Stacey.Quiana @IG

StaceyQuiana @twitter

StaceyQuiana @Fb

Be.that.chick @IG

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