I'sha Gaines I'sha Gaines

Global multicultural magazine for cross-cultural identities, let's read...

Cultures are a way of life, but they are an essential factor to countless lives. They’re something to be embraced, to be honored, and to be celebrated. With Cultturs, the global multicultural magazine for cross-cultural identities, cultures all over can exist and be cherished through this publication. Doni Dannyale Ambrosin (based in Fort Collins, Colorado) founded Culturs to celebrate intersectionality; she herself grew up living in four continents, associating with six cultures by the time she reached a young age. Embracing different parts of your identity is a very powerful thing to do, and Doni encourages her readers to embrace all of their respective intersections and cultures. When it comes to self-love, Doni shares that there’s a power in listening: to yourself, to your body, to others, to other cultures...you’d be amazed at all there is to learn (and see!) if you intentionally search for it. We are inspired by your multicultural background and mission, Doni. We’d love to introduce you to Doni, Queen of Culture!

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Cultures are a way of life, but they are an essential factor to countless lives. They’re something to be embraced, to be honored, and to be celebrated. With Cultturs, the global multicultural magazine for cross-cultural identities, cultures all over can exist and be cherished through this publication. Doni Dannyale Ambrosin (based in Fort Collins, Colorado) founded Culturs to celebrate intersectionality; she herself grew up living in four continents, associating with six cultures by the time she reached a young age. Embracing different parts of your identity is a very powerful thing to do, and Doni encourages her readers to embrace all of their respective intersections and cultures. When it comes to self-love, Doni shares that there’s a power in listening: to yourself, to your body, to others, to other cultures...you’d be amazed at all there is to learn (and see!) if you intentionally search for it. We are inspired by your multicultural background and mission, Doni. We’d love to introduce you to Doni, Queen of Culture!

What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: I lived in four continents and associated with six Cultures by the age of 12. My parents are Trinidadian and Costa Rican, and I was born in Brooklyn New York and promptly moved at two weeks old. It’s taken me Three decades to realize and another two to embrace the fact that this is a major part of my identity. I’m in betwixt and between on many levels and I love to celebrate all that is. It’s my mission to help others who grew up this way and who are cross-cultural and intersectional to feel like they matter-because everybody deserves that.

How do you create the life you want?: Well by creating the magazine I created the life I want. 

I revel in all the cultural goodness of every part of me-have my ancestry of my heritage and anything I want to experience in life. From the food to the Decour to the style and the people-it’s all about feeling empowered and embracing the difference is that I’ll make us the same. I love that and I love bringing that out in others.

What makes you HUMAN?: It took me a long time to realize that vulnerability of strength. And by being vulnerable I am more empathetic to others. 

I thought I had a lock on empathy, but you’re so free when you can just be who you are at all times. 

I also realize that what other people think you are usually is a reflection of some part of them and often it has not much to do with you. 


I’m human because I try to look at everything from different angles, I try to realize we all make mistakes, and I try to give grace to everyone I see.

What's three things you want us to know about self-love/wellness?: 

1. Put you first, so you can adequately support are you want to do and everyone around you.


2. Love yourself-completely, fully, deeply. From this comes all else.


3. Listen actively. We words carefully. And know that in the end your judgment about yourself is all that really matters.

What's something we can incorporate today to LIVE LIFE WELL?:: 


Love yourself more than anything. 


A friend of mine he died of cancer a little bit ago told me to love myself. And for years I didn’t know what she was talking about I thought “I love myself.“ But then I realize loving yourself completely is more than just feeling confident. Or being successful. Or ignoring negativity. It means being vulnerable, it means being there for others, it means not feeling guilty when you need to be there for yourself. It means saying no. It means that you know the depth of your love is bottom less when you’re taken care of and anyone who doesn’t understand that that will eventually come around.

Email Address: doni.luckutt@icloud.com

Website: http://Culturs.org

Social media handles?: Magazine—

@cultursmag (Twitter, insta, Fb, Pinterest)

@cultursGuruTCK (youtube)



Twitter: @simplyalive

Facebook: @DonnyaleAmbrosine

LinkedIn: @DomnyaleAmbrosine

Twitter: @SimplyAlive

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I'sha Gaines I'sha Gaines

Body butters, oils, candles, sugar scrubs...baby, you can have whatever you like!

Body butters, oils, candles, sugar scrubs...baby, you can have whatever you like! Nicholette Taylor first founded ALU ESSENTIALS (based in Stratford, Connecticut) to help relieve her daughter’s eczema. When she realized how effective her products were, Nicholette decided to keep on growing in her creative field, and viola: ALU ESSENTIALS now provide several lovely products to treat your skin right (and your soul even better). To live her life well, Nicholette values decluttering her mind, body, and soul. She encourages her followers to do so as well by taking the time to decide what self-care and wellness looks like to you. It’s personal, it’s beautiful, and it’s absolutely necessary! By providing her line of essential self-care products, Nicholette hopes to enlighten everyone on their own respective self-care journeys. Thank you for sharing your creativity, Nicholette! We’re honored to introduce you to Nicholette, Queen of Essentials!

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Body butters, oils, candles, sugar scrubs...baby, you can have whatever you like! Nicholette Taylor first founded ALU ESSENTIALS (based in Stratford, Connecticut) to help relieve her daughter’s eczema. When she realized how effective her products were, Nicholette decided to keep on growing in her creative field, and viola: ALU ESSENTIALS now provide several lovely products to treat your skin right (and your soul even better). To live her life well, Nicholette values decluttering her mind, body, and soul. She encourages her followers to do so as well by taking the time to decide what self-care and wellness looks like to you. It’s personal, it’s beautiful, and it’s absolutely necessary! By providing her line of essential self-care products, Nicholette hopes to enlighten everyone on their own respective self-care journeys. Thank you for sharing your creativity, Nicholette! We’re honored to introduce you to Nicholette, Queen of Essentials!

What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: My inspiration came from wanting to heal my daughter's eczema. Once I saw that my products were effective, I then became inspired to create eco friendly, affordable & organic skin care products to a wide variety of people. My candles are sourced with vegan soy wax because I believe it’s extremely important for people to inhale candles that are safe for their health, while enjoying luscious, and environmental fragrances. My husband and children keep me motivated to keep going.

How do you create the life you want?: 

I’m intentional about following what God wants for my life. I

 seek him first, and when he gives me the green light, I run full throttle towards the goal.

What makes you HUMAN?: What makes me human is that I am empathetic, sympathetic, and I’m not afraid to take a moment and cry my eyes out when I feel overwhelmed. I also see the need of others, and never hesitate to lend a helping hand.

What's three things you want us to know about self-love/wellness?: 

Self-love and Wellness is what you decide it should be. 

It’s knowing your worth, and never settling for less. It’s knowing that when you need a break, you take that break, and do it unapologetically. Self-love is appreciating every flaw, and insecurity, and knowing that you’re fearfully and wonderfully made.

What's something we can incorporate today to LIVE LIFE WELL?:: 

I think it’s extremely important for us to declutter our minds, soul and bodies in order to live well. Get rid of all the junk that holds us back, and distracts us. To live well we have to be free, and carrying around a bunch of junk just weighs us down.

Email Address: aluessentials@gmail.com

Website: http://www.aluessentials.com

Social media handles?: @aluessentials vía FB & IG

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I'sha Gaines I'sha Gaines

Queen: A mind is a terrible thing to waste!

A mind is a terrible thing to waste...which is why Dana Licko is committed to protecting hers (and yours!). Dana is the founder of GoDeep (based in Denver, Colorado), a company that provides blends that help relieve sleep troubles, anxiety, energy restoration, and skin and hair health. These blends are incredibly powerful: combined with collagen, medicinal herbs and roots, and medicinal mushrooms, GoDeep is a radical self-care resource that takes care of what matters most (aka, YOU!). By practicing vulnerability, Dana has learned the importance of being authentic and honest in her journey (including her recovery from addiction). With this practice of self-care, Dana is not only able to heal, but she’s also able to love herself in all of her entirety. Dana wants to encourage people to take back their power by investing in their health and wellness; when you’re glowing on the inside, you can’t help but to thrive in all of your endeavors! Thank you for highlighting the importance of health, Dana. We’re pleased to introduce you to Dana, Queen of Herbs!

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A mind is a terrible thing to waste...which is why Dana Licko is committed to protecting hers (and yours!). Dana is the founder of GoDeep (based in Denver, Colorado), a company that provides blends that help relieve sleep troubles, anxiety, energy restoration, and skin and hair health. These blends are incredibly powerful: combined with collagen, medicinal herbs and roots, and medicinal mushrooms, GoDeep is a radical self-care resource that takes care of what matters most (aka, YOU!). By practicing vulnerability, Dana has learned the importance of being authentic and honest in her journey (including her recovery from addiction). With this practice of self-care, Dana is not only able to heal, but she’s also able to love herself in all of her entirety. Dana wants to encourage people to take back their power by investing in their health and wellness; when you’re glowing on the inside, you can’t help but to thrive in all of your endeavors! Thank you for highlighting the importance of health, Dana. We’re pleased to introduce you to Dana, Queen of Herbs! 

What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: I became addicted to opiate painkillers after hip surgery several years ago. Once I got into recovery I started researching non pharmaceutical ways to heal my brain. In the process I developed functional protein powder blends of collagen, medicinal herbs and medicinal mushrooms. I have three blends that target sleep, anxiety, energy and of course, younger skin and thicker hair. With these formulas I was able to take back my power and heal myself.

How do you create the life you want?: Visualize, simplify and practice radical self care.

What makes you HUMAN?: I practice vulnerability by being open and honest about my addiction and recovery. There is no shame in being born with this disease, but I can take responsibility for how I continue my life in recovery.

What's three things you want us to know about self-love/wellness?: Practice vulnerability daily.

Practice saying no, you can’t be everything to everyone.

And laugh loud and often

What's something we can incorporate today to LIVE LIFE WELL?:: Meditation helps calm the mind and expand consciousness.

Email Address: dana.licko@gmail.com

Website: http://www.godeep.live

Social media handles?: @godeeplive


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I'sha Gaines I'sha Gaines

There is a lot of pride that comes from securing a job!

It’s an honor to be employed. More so than often, it can also be a burden. Especially for Black and brown women. Arielle Grant, founder of Render Free (based in Minneapolis, Minnesota), knows how that burn-out can affect a Black women’s mental, physical, and spiritual health. She created Render Free, a communal wellness space, to promote overall wellness. Many spaces that Black and brown women find themselves in are incredibly white, which can be tirelessly draining. Render Free is a space where these women are not only celebrated, but they are refreshed, rejuvenated, and recharged to continue being a force. Render Free is an incredible example of what it means to have self-love and self-care; to put your best foot forward, you must be your best from your inner core! We greatly admire the work you’re doing, Arielle. Thank you for helping to heal women. We’d love for you to meet Arielle, Queen of Rejuvenating Spaces!

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What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: Since moving to Minnesota I have held three job titles in less than two years. This was not the plan nor what I had expected. Before my time in the Twin Cities my resume felt sparse with only one place of employment spanning the course of almost six years. Here in Minnesota I have been invited into numerous companies. I’ve been present in countless rooms. 


I’ve sat at the table and been told it was a space to execute my life’s work: advocate and care for those marginalized by racial oppression. However, one thing came into clarity each time – to value equity in theory is very different than to practice anti-racism.

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In this context, my new role became to persuade. Before accomplishing what I set out to do, I had to convince those with power from within these institutions that racially oppressed people, Black and brown people, my people, are worthy of our collective attention and the resources needed to thrive.


Existing in these environments 9-5, five days a week, led to a deep sense of exhaustion and ultimately hopelessness. This was not the work I had set out to do. In fact, eventually for each position I held, I realized that this work was not worthy of me. My body began to tell me in various ways (sleep depravity, newly developed anxiety, skin irritation, ect.) that though I can collect an infinite number of job titles, my body is finite.


In all this, Render Free was born. Community leaders are at a loss regarding how to dismantle unjust systems of oppression that have been adopted within their institutions. Persistent adaptations of systemic racism affect the day-to-day lives of people of color. We are left to endure trauma and race-based stress.


"African American women disproportionately experience a number of stressful conditions and events that are linked to the development of mental health problems, including low-wage employment, caregiver and multiple role strain, medical problems and disabilities, social isolation, bereavement, exposure to traumatic events, and poor access to health care. They also experience greater morbidity from stress-related illness... Stress and distress impact health via both direct and indirect pathways. Stress is associated with a wide array of negative health outcomes. – Chanequa Walker-Barnes (Too Heavy A Yoke (54))"


Thus, Black and brown women are left to carve out space for themselves. Moving in and out of institutions that are not created or developed with us in mind, we are repeatedly forced to justify our presence. This continuous effort, coupled with everyday concerns, creates deep psychological, emotional and spiritual fatigue.

 Render Free is a space for her – for us. 

We will practice loving ourselves. 

We will learn together, in community, how to answer these questions with a resolution toward internalized dignity. We will remind one another: we too have inherent worth.

How do you create the life you want?: 

I give myself permission to dream. I trust that if the vision and passion is in my heart, founded in love, it's worth pursuing. I give myself permission to try and trust that beauty will blossom from my success and growth will bloom from my failure. I create the life I want by reminding myself that it is good to asking for help. The best of this world has been cultivated by a family, friendship or community. I invite people into my life who show up for me. Truthfully, I have the life I want, not because I've created it but because of the immense blessing of a God that loves me and trusts me with His work. My job is to reach for humility, hold onto gratitude, and extend grace and love.

What makes you HUMAN?: As a little girl, I was described as one who truly feels her feelings. 

These larger-than-life feelings of mine fuel my creativity and my empathy. 

They are so much of who I am and perhaps what makes me human.

However, as a Black woman, tricked into fixating on survival rather than pursuing wellness, I’ve believed these deep feelings of mine to be inconvenient and dangerous. To be Black, female, tough, unbreakable and strong, is the only way to endure.

Yet, Black women are not simply troupes nor characters of inhumane strength. We are very human, whole beings. What we experience outside of ourselves, in the workplace, on the street, and in our homes will affect our inner selves. Our mental health is wrapped within our physical health.

What's three things you want us to know about self-love/wellness?: I want all Black women to know...

...you are worthy of wellbeing. You deserve to be well + free.

what you feel is okay. Make room for it. Name it. To silence yourself is to oppress. 

There is liberation in honesty.

...self-care isn't selfish or frivolous. On the contrary, particularly for Black women it is necessary. We are dying at alarming rates of curable disease. If we are to continue to care for those we love and invest in our community, we must care for ourselves.

What's something we can incorporate today to LIVE LIFE WELL?:: Explore the practice of introspection. Become more familiar with who you are apart from all that you do. Establish a dance from looking outside to looking within, caring for yourself as well as your loved ones. It may feel risky to invite introspection. You may discover inside yourself a myriad of thoughts, fears, feelings, and dreams. Remember, be gentle with yourself.


Pause. Illuminate. Liberate. With certainty we can know that, albeit imperfect, the beauty you bring into the world as counselor, daughter, friend is but a fraction of the gold inside of you.

Email Address: arielle.grant@renderfree.com

Website: http://www.renderfree.com

Social media handles?: Instagram - @renderfree

Facebook - @renderfree.mpls

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I'sha Gaines I'sha Gaines

Sometimes, you need a little help to get to the root of your problems, your hair roots!

Sometimes, you need a little help to get to the root of your problems. Literally, girl: your hair roots. Menasha Duchemin, founder of Ticos Garden (based in Tampa, Florida), was inspired to start her business after her clients continually came to her for hair care issues. While determined to help them feel the best they could, Menasha also discovered the importance of practicing self-love. When you set aside time to get back to your best well-being, you’re allowing yourself to experience unconditional love. There is always time for some tender love and care, honey. With these botanically-enhanced products from Ticos Garden, your roots (and soul!) are sure to thrive from this garden of love. We thank you for your incredible service, Menasha. We’d love to introduce you to Menasha, Queen of Healthy Roots!

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Sometimes, you need a little help to get to the root of your problems. Literally, girl: your hair roots. Menasha Duchemin, founder of Ticos Garden (based in Tampa, Florida), was inspired to start her business after her clients continually came to her for hair care issues. While determined to help them feel the best they could, Menasha also discovered the importance of practicing self-love. When you set aside time to get back to your best well-being, you’re allowing yourself to experience unconditional love. There is always time for some tender love and care, honey. With these botanically-enhanced products from Ticos Garden, your roots (and soul!) are sure to thrive from this garden of love. We thank you for your incredible service, Menasha. We’d love to introduce you to Menasha, Queen of Healthy Roots!

What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: I was inspired to start my business by my wonderful clients. They kept coming to me with different scalp issues and I was determined to help them as best I could.

How do you create the life you want?: 

I create the life I want by living spontaneously. I do things on the whim and it causes me to experience so many exciting memories. I won’t change that about me. I’ve come to accept that my whims never serve me wrong.

What makes you HUMAN?: 

I’m so human because I’m so in touch with my emotional side. I feel the good, the bad, and the ugly before they come around. It’s my super human power.

What's three things you want us to know about self-love/wellness?: -Practicing self love can even look like patting your own self on the back. Having a love affair with yourself is the best feeling.

-Setting aside special time on purpose to do things that make you feel good about yourself not only helps you feel better but teaches your mind that you will always prioritize yourself.

Getting back to yourself takes time. Be gentle.

What's something we can incorporate today to LIVE LIFE WELL?:: 

Love yourself UNCONDITIONALLY and do everything you’ve ever wanted for a life well lived.

Email Address: ticosgarden@gmail.com

Website: http://Ticosgarden.com

Social media handles?: @ticosgarden @Locdbeautylife

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I'sha Gaines I'sha Gaines

Saving our time, our money, our breath...and especially our energy!

We’re all about saving over here. Saving our time, our money, our breath...and especially our energy! This is especially true when it comes to doing our hair; honestly, that task can be a workout. Madeline Holly-Carothers definitely understood that struggle, and like many Black women, she decided to create her own solution. A Curl’s Dream Hair is the business that Madeline started (based in Charlotte, North Carolina) to help Black women rock amazing hairstyles by providing gorgeous wigs and hair extensions. Self-love may look different for everyone, but there’s no denying that it’s a beautiful look on anyone. By practicing intentional gratitude and learning to find lessons in losses, Madeline wants to encourage women to never give up on pursuing what brings their heart joy. Self-love is a practice in itself, and the more you participate in it on a daily basis, the more you’ll reap its benefits. The same way you practice new hairstyles, find new ways to love yourself daily! Thank you for sharing with us this crucial lesson, Madeline. We’d love for you to meet Madeline, Queen of Hair Extensions!

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We’re all about saving over here. Saving our time, our money, our breath...and especially our energy! This is especially true when it comes to doing our hair; honestly, that task can be a workout. Madeline Holly-Carothers definitely understood that struggle, and like many Black women, she decided to create her own solution. A Curl’s Dream Hair is the business that Madeline started (based in Charlotte, North Carolina) to help Black women rock amazing hairstyles by providing gorgeous wigs and hair extensions. Self-love may look different for everyone, but there’s no denying that it’s a beautiful look on anyone. By practicing intentional gratitude and learning to find lessons in losses, Madeline wants to encourage women to never give up on pursuing what brings their heart joy. Self-love is a practice in itself, and the more you participate in it on a daily basis, the more you’ll reap its benefits. The same way you practice new hairstyles, find new ways to love yourself daily! Thank you for sharing with us this crucial lesson, Madeline. We’d love for you to meet Madeline, Queen of Hair Extensions!

What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: I was inspired to begin my business when I began searching for hair (extensions) options for myself that were affordable and felt like they were made for me. My “day job” as a full time social worker is extremely demanding and has required me to really focus on self-care and since hair has always been a big part of me, I had to find an easy solution to marry the two. Then A Curl’s Dream was born, a company dedicated to providing hair solutions for women of color (truly for us, by us). I love my company because I know that hair is a form of self care for all women, but we don’t have always the time to practice it, so being able to add in extensions that match my hair texture or wear a wig created with me in mind helps me cut down on time in my day-to-day routine as well continue to express my individuality through my hair. It’s hard to explain, but A Curl’s Dream started when I wasn’t sure if I had enough energy or time to create anything and somehow it’s also what keeps me going.

How do you create the life you want?: 

I create the life I want in three ways (1) I practice intentional gratitude, (2) I don’t give up-EVER, and (3) I try to find the lesson in everything. 

By intentional gratitude, I mean I make a serious effort to be consciously grateful, to take inventory of the goodness in my life-even when things aren’t perfect and even when I may not hit the targets or goals I’ve set for myself...It’s not easy, but it really doEs improve the quality of my life. It reminds me that there is joy everywhere I look-even when it’s especially hard to find. Second, I don’t give up. I might take breaks, I might sit out, I might have to regroup, but just giving on myself or my dream isn’t an option for me. If something fails, I try again. If that fails, I try something else. I get frustrated and want to quit, but, for me, it’s better to fail knowing I gave it my absolute all than to quit just before something great could’ve happened. Finally, I try to find the lesson in everything. Now, I don’t always realize this lesson right away...sometimes it takes a little-or a long-while, but 

I try to find what I’m supposed to learn in every win and every loss. 

All these things help me to balance my business with my career, my relationships, and they help me design the life I want to have with where I am right now.

What makes you HUMAN?: Hmmm...honestly, my mistakes make me human. I can be a perfectionist (I’m working on it, okay?) and that sometimes can hold me back from being vulnerable, so I have to make a conscience effort to let people into said mistakes or failures. I’m most human when I realize I’m wrong. 

I’m most human when I look back and think “i could’ve done that differently” or “i could have said this differently”

but then again, I think that’s what makes us all human- our mistakes, our missteps...I think that we reveal our most human selves when we acknowledge that we aren’t perfect....or at least that’s what I think about myself.

What's three things you want us to know about self-love/wellness?: (1) 

Self-love is a PRACTICE. Like working out or cleaning or cooking, it’s an action that isn’t subconscious. It’s an action we have to choose. I’ve learned that it has to be consistent to yield the best results.

(2) Self-love looks different for everyone and there’s no one-size fit all.

(3) Hair is a form of self love. it’s something about being happy with your hair - or lack thereof for my sisters who have shaved or loss their hair- that’s truly powerful. Being comfortable and happy with your hair is really a source of power. Be creative with it, find what you love and see how it positively influences your life.

What's something we can incorporate today to LIVE LIFE WELL?:: Intentional gratitude. I can’t sing it’s praises enough. You can start by giving yourself a goal each day- today- to list 3 things you’re grateful for. It can be anything from being grateful for the sound of the rain that helped me sleep last night to the love I feel when I’m around my husband. Anything, big or small, just do it. I swear it will help improve the perspective you have on your life and the overall quality of it.

Email Address: info@acurlsdreamahair.com

Website: http://Www.acurlsdreamhair.com

Social media handles?: IG Business - @acurlsdream

IG Personal - @gottabemaddy

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I'sha Gaines I'sha Gaines

Learning to love yourself is the greatest gift of all.

Learning to love yourself is the greatest gift of all. This mantra is what Kimberly Merriweather lives by. Kimberly started her business, Giggles in a Basket (based in El Paso, Texas), to inspire people to practice giving out more “just because” gifts. These gift baskets have everything that you can dream of: tea and wine, candles, journals, bath goodies, and so much more. There is a lot of joy that comes from receiving and giving presents, and that joy deserves to be experienced daily! In addition to practicing the sweet habit of gift-giving, Kimbery also cherishes making time to be still throughout our busy lives. Life often has you up and moving, but there is power in knowing when to rest and recharge. We admire your creative ways to uplift spirits, Kimberly. Keep sending out smiles in style. We’re elated to introduce you to Kimberly, Queen of Gifts!

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Learning to love yourself is the greatest gift of all. This mantra is what Kimberly Merriweather lives by. Kimberly started her business, Giggles in a Basket (based in El Paso, Texas), to inspire people to practice giving out more “just because” gifts. These gift baskets have everything that you can dream of: tea and wine, candles, journals, bath goodies, and so much more. There is a lot of joy that comes from receiving and giving presents, and that joy deserves to be experienced daily! In addition to practicing the sweet habit of gift-giving, Kimbery also cherishes making time to be still throughout our busy lives. Life often has you up and moving, but there is power in knowing when to rest and recharge. We admire your creative ways to uplift spirits, Kimberly. Keep sending out smiles in style. We’re elated to introduce you to Kimberly, Queen of Gifts!

What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: I think what really inspired me to start my business was my love to advocate for people. When I started my business, I was in school to become a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. I wanted to find other ways to help people cope, be more affirming and invest more into their own happiness. I figured I could do this through gifting, which would allow people to have their moment of feeling valued and appreciated. I think we can all attest for having rough days. Receiving a simple gift can always change someone’s mood, especially in times like this. 

A simple “I thought of you” in a form of gift can uplift anyone’s day.

What motivates me to keep going? Creativity. I think of myself as a creative. I’m always looking for new ways to design a gift. New ways on how to deliver a gift. One day I would love to see my gift boxes in hotels, health summits and therapeutic settings. Just being that go to for small business who want to gift by the means of a gift box. If I could have it my way, I’d be in tea shops even! I am a full blown tea lover!

How do you create the life you want?: I meet with my business mentor once a week, for a minimum of one hour and we plan. 

Our motto right now is “What can we do now” until we get to the big picture? I am given homework and my schedule is set for the next two to three weeks.

To create the life I want I try to surround myself with those working towards similar goals and who constantly brainstorm. It’s great to have a team to brainstorm with. It keeps the mind active and focused. Whenever I feel like I’m going down a rabbit hole, I step outside to appreciate having mountains in my backyard. I reclaim my purpose and keep going.

What makes you HUMAN?: 

[Human] What makes me HUMAN my raw emotions. The emotions that I feel from failure, doubt, fear and success. The mistakes that I make along the way in this life we call entrepreneurship. I view each as a teaching moment or an opportunity to grow.

What's three things you want us to know about self-love/wellness?: 

[Self lOve] Self love can only be defined by you

Self Love

- begins and ends with you

- can only be defined by you

- will set you up for success because once you tap into your self love you will no longer settle for less and your wellness improves! That’s a plus!

What's something we can incorporate today to LIVE LIFE WELL?:: Be Still and appreciate silence for at least 30 minutes a day. It’s challenging for me because I have a newborn, but as soon as nap time comes around I make sure to tune into the silence and appreciate the stillness. That’s when I’m most creative. Oh YOGA as well! HOT YOGA to be exact.

Email Address: hello@gigglesinabasket.com

Website: http://Gigglesinabasket.com

Social media handles?: @giftsbygigglesinabasket

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I'sha Gaines I'sha Gaines

You can tell a lot about a person by looking at their hands!

You can tell a lot about a person by looking at their hands. Their age, their work ethic, their style...even their passion! Zenobia Hudson, an artist based in Dallas, Texas, has always been a lover of fashion and art. These two passions inspired her to dive into another talent of hers: designing some bomb nails! Zen Re’ Mobile Nail Bar is a service that provides clients an unique and convenient experience of getting manicures. With stylish designs created by Zenobia, your nails will always be in good (looking!) hands. When it comes to self-love, Zenobia wants to encourage you that it’s truly the greatest love of all; when you work on loving yourself daily, things will naturally work in your favor. We greatly admire your fierce designs and even fiercer passion, Zenobia. We’d love for you to meet Zenobia, Queen of Nails!

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You can tell a lot about a person by looking at their hands. Their age, their work ethic, their style...even their passion! Zenobia Hudson, an artist based in Dallas, Texas, has always been a lover of fashion and art. These two passions inspired her to dive into another talent of hers: designing some bomb nails! Zen Re’ Mobile Nail Bar is a service that provides clients an unique and convenient experience of getting manicures. With stylish designs created by Zenobia, your nails will always be in good (looking!) hands. When it comes to self-love, Zenobia wants to encourage you that it’s truly the greatest love of all; when you work on loving yourself daily, things will naturally work in your favor. We greatly admire your fierce designs and even fiercer passion, Zenobia. We’d love for you to meet Zenobia, Queen of Nails!

What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: I’ve always been a lover of fashion and art, as a young girl my late aunt, who was so fabulous, fierce, and also a lover of fashion as well, taught me to paint nails with amazing designs. That always stuck with me throughout my life. I finally decided to go have another passion of mine under my belt. The main thing that keeps me going is advancing my community as an Afro American woman, as well as creating a legacy and being an example that we as a Black community can advance and strive for a difference in whatever industry.

How do you create the life you want?: 

I’m creating the life I want through going after my passions. 

People can say what they want about you but they can never take away your passion if it’s true and genuine.

What makes you HUMAN?: I’m not perfect but I’m a unique individual who has flaws that make me who I am.

What's three things you want us to know about self-love/wellness?: 1. Self love is the best love

It’s okay to place yourself first

3. The mind is the most powerful machine in the world, produce positive thoughts for positive outcomes

What's something we can incorporate today to LIVE LIFE WELL?:: Having self love and being in-tuned with yourself is key to going towards living life well.

Email Address: zenobiahudson@yahoo.com

Website: https://square.site/book/2BZ8BWKW2VY1F/zen-re-mobile-nail-bar

Social media handles?: Instagram:



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I'sha Gaines I'sha Gaines

Let’s get one thing abundantly clear: your hair should never be considered a burden.

Let’s get one thing abundantly clear: your hair should never be considered a burden. For Black women and women of color, hair has always been a touchy subject. So much to the point to where it’s difficult to love the hair that’s naturally growing out of your scalp. Vecoya Banks recognized the lack of love in the natural hair community and vowed to make a difference. What a huge difference she’s made: Love the Hair You Wear, based in Washington D.C., is the safe space that Black women and women of color need. By creating this phenomenon, Vecoya encourages her community to embrace their natural hair roots by hosting annual events that feature panels, tutorials, giveaways, and discussions that celebrate your hair. Love the Hair You Wear is not only an incredible community, but it’s a lifestyle that is helping women feel empowered (rather than embarrassed) by their hair. Vecoya, Love the Hair You Wear has shown us self-love is always possible (and always necessary!), even in your most natural state. We thank you for your tremendous service! We’d love for you to meet Vecoya, Queen of Natural Hair Advocacy!

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Let’s get one thing abundantly clear: your hair should never be considered a burden. For Black women and women of color, hair has always been a touchy subject. So much to the point to where it’s difficult to love the hair that’s naturally growing out of your scalp. Vecoya Banks recognized the lack of love in the natural hair community and vowed to make a difference. What a huge difference she’s made: Love the Hair You Wear, based in Washington D.C., is the safe space that Black women and women of color need. By creating this phenomenon, Vecoya encourages her community to embrace their natural hair roots by hosting annual events that feature panels, tutorials, giveaways, and discussions that celebrate your hair. Love the Hair You Wear is not only an incredible community, but it’s a lifestyle that is helping women feel empowered (rather than embarrassed) by their hair. Vecoya, Love the Hair You Wear has shown us self-love is always possible (and always necessary!), even in your most natural state. We thank you for your tremendous service! We’d love for you to meet Vecoya, Queen of Natural Hair Advocacy!

What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: LTHYW was created to help women of color embrace their natural hair roots, increase self-esteem, and enjoy the company of other natural beauties. This is especially important in today's political climate because women of color need a safe space to be themselves and discuss the issues that are important to them. Hair is the vehicle for this event but the message is so much deeper. At Love The Hair You Wear vendors, male/female models, tutorials, natural hair bloggers and a hairstylist panel unite to create a welcoming environment to embrace who you are. LTHYW is a uniquely curated experience for Natural Beauty Enthusiasts to directly connect natural hair brands that support the multicultural community. Loving and accepting yourself means loving every part of you flaws and all. This includes loving the hair that grows out of your scalp and not comparing it to any one else. 

It’s so important to be grateful and find the beauty in each of our natural tresses.

How do you create the life you want?: I'm still figuring that out. I'm finding balance is important. 

I focus on the goals that I want to achieve and offer myself grace throughout the process helps me create the life I want.

What makes you HUMAN?: My flaws make me human. 

I'm on a quest daily to embrace my unique qualities and letting myself know it’s okay to make mistakes. 

I'm not perfect so holding myself to a standard of perfection is useless.

What's three things you want us to know about self-love/wellness?: 

[Self-Love] I focus on my mental, physical and spiritual well being. I think focusing on keeping those three aspects in a healthy space is the key to balancing wellness.

What's something we can incorporate today to LIVE LIFE WELL?:: Being present is a way to incorporate living life well. There are some days that I feel like I have it all together and other days where it's the complete opposite. Through this pandemic I'm learning to really be okay with the days that I don't have it together. That might be calling out of work and just focusing on my mental health that day and it's all okay. Long walks are really a life saver these days.

Email Address: vecoyagreene@gmail.com

Website: http://lovethehairyouweardc.com

Social media handles?: @lthywdc @vecoya

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I'sha Gaines I'sha Gaines

Health is wealth, and this amazing mompreneur and trainer is passionate about it!

Health is wealth, and this amazing mompreneur and trainer is passionate about ensuring you prioritize your wellness! Tiffany Cantlow, founder of T-Toned Fitness, LLC, based in Bossier City, Louisiana, wants women (and men!) to know that they can have it all; with a little balance, you’re more than capable of maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle while juggling your other responsibilities and passions. When it comes to self-love, Tiffany believes it’s something that you must work on; the same way you train for your health, you must work for your well-being. That starts with exercising self-love traits that fit perfectly into your daily livelihood. Your energy is inspiring to all of us, Tiffany. Thank you for your motivation! We’d love to introduce you to Tiffany, Queen of Fitness!

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Health is wealth, and this amazing mompreneur and trainer is passionate about ensuring you prioritize your wellness! Tiffany Cantlow, founder of T-Toned Fitness, LLC, based in Bossier City, Louisiana, wants women (and men!) to know that they can have it all; with a little balance, you’re more than capable of maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle while juggling your other responsibilities and passions. When it comes to self-love, Tiffany believes it’s something that you must work on; the same way you train for your health, you must work for your well-being. That starts with exercising self-love traits that fit perfectly into your daily livelihood. Your energy is inspiring to all of us, Tiffany. Thank you for your motivation! We’d love to introduce you to Tiffany, Queen of Fitness!

What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: Multiple people asking me to train them is what inspired me to start my business, but what motivates me is helping women who think that they can’t balance a healthy and active (fit) lifestyle while juggling motherhood, work, and anything else they are responsible for.

How do you create the life you want?: I LIVE by example. I’m an aspiring mompreneur of twins. I balance motherhood, my fitness lifestyle, and family and friend time. 

I’m currently creating the life I want, by living by faith and not fear, which took me a long time to do. What makes you HUMAN?: My compassion for others

What's three things you want us to know about self-love/wellness?: 

Self love starts from within and you have to love and take care of yourself before you can do for others. Wellness is deeper than the eye can see. It’s mental, it’s spiritual, and it’s psychological.

Self-love and wellness go hand in hand. I believe you can’t have one without the other. To take care of yourself is to love yourself. Mind + Body + Soul

What's something we can incorporate today to LIVE LIFE WELL?:: Stay physically active.

Email Address: hello@ttonedfitness.com

Website: http://ttonedfitness.com

Social media handles?: @msttoned on Instagram and Facebook

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I'sha Gaines I'sha Gaines

Let’s be honest: we could all use some major healing from an herbalist!

Let’s be honest: we could all use some major healing. Whether it’s mentally, physically, or spiritually, it’s essential that we remain intentional with our healing practices. Coco, the founder of Earth’s Cabinet LLC (based in Brooklyn, New York) discovered at a young age that we are provided with everything we need. That includes for health purposes; by boiling and steeping herbs and roots and juicing fruits and vegetables, Coco discovered natural cures for all of life’s aches. She’s now taking this valuable information and sharing it with others through her clinical herbal, aromatherapy, and phytotherapy business. Coco believes that as long as we are breathing, we are here for a purpose; something as simple as an “inhale, exhale” is a huge blessing! Let’s seek to never lose gratitude in that action. We are in awe of your wisdom and experience, Coco. We’d love to introduce you to CoCo, Queen of Herbs!


Let’s be honest: we could all use some major healing. Whether it’s mentally, physically, or spiritually, it’s essential that we remain intentional with our healing practices. Coco, the founder of Earth’s Cabinet LLC (based in Brooklyn, New York) discovered at a young age that we are provided with everything we need. That includes for health purposes; by boiling and steeping herbs and roots and juicing fruits and vegetables, Coco discovered natural cures for all of life’s aches. She’s now taking this valuable information and sharing it with others through her clinical herbal, aromatherapy, and phytotherapy business. Coco believes that as long as we are breathing, we are here for a purpose; something as simple as an “inhale, exhale” is a huge blessing! Let’s seek to never lose gratitude in that action. We are in awe of your wisdom and experience, Coco. We’d love to introduce you to CoCo, Queen of Herbs!

What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: What inspired me to start my business is my Mom & understanding that we are provided all that we need. I had always been a sick child & with my mom always having to rush back & forth, to & from the hospital, she looked for another way. Coming from Jamaica, my mom decided to start juicing fruits & vegetables for me along with boiling & steeping herbs & roots to combat my ailments. I want to give others the same effort, even if its reading information. Information leads to learned lessons & learned lessons stick. I haven't taken any medication in almost 18 years, my mom saved my life.

How do you create the life you want?: 

I create the life I want by focusing my energy on the positives in my life & when the challenges arise, I find the lessons in it. There is light in everything.

What makes you HUMAN?: 

Understanding that I am still breathing, this means that it's not my time for transition. This let's me know that my purpose still exists & that I still have more work to do. I am forever grateful.

What's three things you want us to know about self-love/wellness?: 

We give life to receive life 

(we assist plants in staying alive by breathing, in return, they do the same )

Breathing is a gift, it means that you have a purpose. 

Life is a feeling process, if you're nor feeling you're not experiencing. If you're not experiencing, you're not learning. If you're not learning, are you truly existing?

What's something we can incorporate today to LIVE LIFE WELL?:: Realizing that we have absolutely no control over anything & the outcome will always be what it is meant to be. This may be hard to grasp & prepare for but, its Ego Death at its finest.

Email Address: earthscabinetllc@gmail.com


Social media handles?: @earthscabinetllc



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I'sha Gaines I'sha Gaines

New Moms: Your Hair Can Grow!

When you’ve recently become a new mother, hair care initially isn’t the first of your worries. But just as your lifestyle and priorities drastically change with the birth of a child, so does your hair; unfortunately, it’s not always for the best. Stephanie Eyison wanted to find a safe solution to treating her postpartum alopecia; she was not only concerned with growing her hair, but she also wanted to ensure her daughter’s safety during nursing. To relieve her concerns, Stephanie founded Atarah Haircare (based in Attleboro, MA), a haircare line that is 100% natural and 100% safe for your hair. As an intentional woman, Stephanie created this vegan line (free of sulfates, parabens, and phthalate!) to help effectively grow healthy hair. Stephanie continues to live life intentionally by committing herself to the work of self-love. If you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation (just as Stephanie did with her hair), we encourage you to dig deep into your internal wellness to build healthy practices and solutions. We admire Stephanie greatly for intentionally pursuing growth. We’d love to introduce you to Stephanie, Queen of Hair Growth!

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When you’ve recently become a new mother, hair care initially isn’t the first of your worries. But just as your lifestyle and priorities drastically change with the birth of a child, so does your hair; unfortunately, it’s not always for the best. Stephanie Eyison wanted to find a safe solution to treating her postpartum alopecia; she was not only concerned with growing her hair, but she also wanted to ensure her daughter’s safety during nursing. To relieve her concerns, Stephanie founded Atarah Haircare (based in Attleboro, MA), a haircare line that is 100% natural and 100% safe for your hair. As an intentional woman, Stephanie created this vegan line (free of sulfates, parabens, and phthalate!) to help effectively grow healthy hair. Stephanie continues to live life intentionally by committing herself to the work of self-love. If you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation (just as Stephanie did with her hair), we encourage you to dig deep into your internal wellness to build healthy practices and solutions. We admire Stephanie greatly for intentionally pursuing growth. We’d love to introduce you to Stephanie, Queen of Hair Growth!

What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: I lost all my edges and about 50% of my hair after having my first baby. Postpartum alopecia was a foreign word to me, and as I soon, found out, it was a common phenomenon amongst new mothers. As a nursing mother, I was desperate to find a toxic-free, pure alternative that would not harm my daughter in any way. My incessant research led me to the formulation of my Scalp and Hair Treatment which grew my hair in as little as 4weeks. By month three, my hair was healthy and strong again.

How do you create the life you want?: 

By being intentional about every decision that concerns me. 

I always want to ensure that I never look back on anything with regret. 

I am analytical and tend to approach my vision, goals and plans that way. It has helped me greatly.

What makes you HUMAN?: The fact that I am not perfect! lol. That I feel almost everything... I empathize to a fault even though I don't seem like it.

What’s three things you want us to know about self-love/wellness?: 1.Self-love is intentional and starts not with the heart as people often believe, but with a mindset and a mindshift. You need to develop a stronghold in your mind that you are good enough, worthy enough and deserving enough.

2. You can't always have an internal shift by resorting to external solutions. This works sometimes, but more often than not, we need to have an internal dialogue about issues we face or have and resolve within first. That, to me, is holistic wellness.

3. Self-love involves being uncomfortable sometimes. 


It means confronting certain hindrances you know are not healthy - be it friends, habits - and that is not always a comfortable situation

What's something we can incorporate today to LIVE LIFE WELL?:: Being intentional

Email Address: stephanie@myatarah.com

Website: http://www.myatarah.com

Social media handles?: IG - @atarahhaircare

FB - @atarahhaircare

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I'sha Gaines I'sha Gaines

Music is so powerful.

Music is so powerful. One reason we all tend to enjoy music so much is that it’s somehow always relevant. Whether we’re floating on an exhilarating high or sinking with a heavy low, we can always find the perfect song to accompany us on our experiences. For Kissa Jo, a singer, songwriter and actress based in Atlanta, Georgia, this is especially true; music serves as her motivation to be resilient. Kissa Jo credits music as her therapy, and now that she made it her professional career, she continues to allow music to heal her. Kissa Jo’s number one piece of advice to live life well? Breathe deeply, moan loudly, and live boldly! (And stop to hear whatever sweet tunes are speaking to you!) Turn up your music Kissa Jo; we’re listening, and we’re awaiting your next powerful song. We’d love to introduce you to Kissa Jo, Queen of Healing Music!

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Music is so powerful. One reason we all tend to enjoy music so much is that it’s somehow always relevant. Whether we’re floating on an exhilarating high or sinking with a heavy low, we can always find the perfect song to accompany us on our experiences. For Kissa Jo, a singer, songwriter and actress based in Atlanta, Georgia, this is especially true; music serves as her motivation to be resilient. Kissa Jo credits music as her therapy, and now that she made it her professional career, she continues to allow music to heal her. Kissa Jo’s number one piece of advice to live life well? Breathe deeply, moan loudly, and live boldly! (And stop to hear whatever sweet tunes are speaking to you!) Turn up your music Kissa Jo; we’re listening, and we’re awaiting your next powerful song. We’d love to introduce you to Kissa Jo, Queen of Healing Music!

What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: Music is my business and my music is inspired by love. The highs and lows of loving others that brought me to falling in love with myself. 

Music has and always will be my THERAPY and that's what keeps me going.

How do you create the life you want?: 

I believe the life you want starts with self love and acceptance. 

The more you get to know yourself, the easier it is to make decisions that align with your higher self and your dreams/destiny. Self love makes making those choices and putting yourself first that much easier until it becomes second nature.

What makes you HUMAN?: The things that make me human are also the things that make me a whole Goddess. My heart, my pain, and my trauma. 

The hardest times in my life led me to my greatest lessons. Releasing the pain and growing from those lessons freed me to be more loving and free and a better, kinder human being.

What are three things you want us to know about self-love/wellness?: Three things you should know about self love and wellness is that first off, they're connected. 

The more you love yourself the better you treat yourself. 

Secondly, the better you treat yourself the better others treat you; which also amplifies your well being. Last but not least, self love is also self acceptance. Getting to know who you are and implementing standards and boundaries to live your best life is a crucial and life changing BOLD step to representing yourself and your overall wellness.

What's something we can incorporate today to LIVE LIFE WELL?:: Something you can incorporate today to live life well is surrender, pleasure, and gratitude. Savor all the beauty in your life and take pleasure in every moment. Be grateful for all you have and watch how much more you attract. Breathe deeply, moan loudly, and live boldly! Surrender to the flow and let go of your expectations. God/ Universe or whatever you believe in has more in store for you than you could ever even imagine.

Email Address: kissajo.model@gmail.com

Website: http://www.KissaJo.com

Social media handles?: Instagram @kissajo

Facebook Kissa Jo

Twitter @kissajo

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I'sha Gaines I'sha Gaines

Build Your Body!

Whether you’re a professional athlete, on a club team, or simply enjoy being active, you understand the importance of training. Building your body up to take on challenging tasks is a tiring yet rewarding journey. Cesurian Champagne, founder of NuMentality Fitness and Training LLC (based in Charleston, SC), believes that her knowledge gained from training on and off the court is essential for kids of the younger generations. Motivated by her purpose to use her experience as a form of education, Cersurian strives to make an impact in younger lives through her training programs. The same way you train your body, Cersurian encourages you to train your mind; practicing self-love, wellness, and internal peace is a major factor for staying balanced while you go after your dreams. We admire your strength, resilience, and guidance, Cersurian; the kids are blessed to have you! We’d love to introduce you to Cersurian, Queen of Training!

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Whether you’re a professional athlete, on a club team, or simply enjoy being active, you understand the importance of training. Building your body up to take on challenging tasks is a tiring yet rewarding journey. Cesurian Champagne, founder of NuMentality Fitness and Training LLC (based in Charleston, SC), believes that her knowledge gained from training on and off the court is essential for kids of the younger generations. Motivated by her purpose to use her experience as a form of education, Cersurian strives to make an impact in younger lives through her training programs. The same way you train your body, Cersurian encourages you to train your mind; practicing self-love, wellness, and internal peace is a major factor for staying balanced while you go after your dreams. We admire your strength, resilience, and guidance, Cersurian; the kids are blessed to have you! We’d love to introduce you to Cersurian, Queen of Training!

What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: I felt like a combination of my experiences on and off the court, the knowledge I obtained throughout the years of coaching and my role as an Educator, could allow me to give more of myself to the kids that loved the same sport that provided me with a career. When I started coaching, I met kids from so many different backgrounds that wanted and needed the guidance because they did not have it at home. Honestly, this makes me appreciate my parents so much because there were standards/expectations placed in our home when it came to education. In order to play sports, my education was a priority. No matter how great of a basketball player I wanted to become, my parents were concerned about my grades. If I had a C on my report card, I had to pull my grade up or they were pulling off the team.

When I started coaching, I implemented those same principles to my players. They were not used to a coach investing so much interest into their education. That motivated me to start a business that implemented those same principles in order to prepare my clients for college. This did not just apply to athletes; I have these same expectations for the students that are not athletes. Seeing the impact it made on my players, I wanted to inspire kids from other schools throughout the community to recognize their potential outside of athletics.

My motivation to continue comes from knowing that I am operating in my purpose

I can help make an impact on a child’s life outside of sports. Training allows me to deposit nuggets of knowledge pertaining to the sport; to each client that crosses my path however, what makes me appreciate what I do is the connection that I make with these kids that goes beyond the sport. When a child wants to talk about different challenges they are facing in school or home, it allows me to change hats and be that mentor to help them stay the course through opposition. There is a level of self-accountability when I am dealing with children. As an educator, I consider myself as that parent standing in the gap when they are in my presence.

How do you create the life you want?: Setting realistic goals is where it starts. 

We tend to set goals for ourselves and we know that our work ethic does not match those dreams. 


To avoid experiencing unnecessary disappointments, make sure you are ready to lose sleep, invest money, experience failures, and be willing to accept the fact that everyone serves a purpose in your life during that process. You must be willing to take the bumps and bruises that comes along with the package. They are there to prepare you for your next level.

Lessons during the process are milestones that represent transitions of the mind. 

The biggest challenge you will face while creating the life YOU want is, not everyone will see and accept the process of your vision. They are not there in your prayer closet when you express your desires with God. In this process, you will change. You will act and think differently as well look different. Stay on course because that is the only way you will obtain your desires.

My pastor once told me, "It gets lonely at the top" but I never understood what he meant. You will begin to notice that moving in silence will become an issue to those that you shared your vision with initially. The only way you can obtain the life you want is operating by faith (Hebrews 11:1).

What makes you HUMAN?: The challenges that I face in life & the lessons that I have learned by the mistakes that I have made. 


[Hunman] When I encounter opposition, the first thing that I tend to do is react before thinking. During that moment, is when I need to rationalize the results of making a sound decision. Growing up, I’ve made a lot of mistakes that could’ve taken away opportunities for me to be where I am today however I must say, if it wasn’t for grace and mercy, I’m not sure what I would be doing today.

What's three things you want us to know about self-love/wellness?: Self-Love is an internal appreciation to serve in your purpose. In the world we live in, sometimes we want to feel validated based on the accomplishments we have made. However, based on experiences, when you operate in your gift, the only validation you need is God proving Himself through you. Women are created to walk this earth as queens but we have allowed the viewpoints of society to place limitations on what we can accomplish. 

Self-love is a shield of protection that distracts you from focusing on opposition. Self-love helps you rise above the chaos. Mental peace plays a major role in your life. Knowing what your worth is and being proud of who you are, is just the beginning. Self-love prevents you from allowing negativity to enter into your circle of peace. 

Self-love is sometimes perceived as being arrogant or cocky but if women do not carry a high level of confidence in what they have worked so hard for, how can we experience a high level of success? The way you love yourself, as a woman, will resonate everywhere you go.

What's something we can incorporate today to LIVE LIFE WELL?:: As a child, my parents kept me involved in church. As I got older, that has always been the foundation of my life. There was always a consistency in hearing the Word and knowing that God created and equipped me for success. There were times when I felt like the challenges I faced were too much for me to handle but I would read Isaiah 54:17, which motivated me not to give up. I believe that our spiritual health is the most important ingredient that will allow us to live life to the fullest. Having a balance of the physical, mental/emotional, social, and spiritual well-being is what we need in order to maintain our overall health. In today’s society, we face so many challenges and oppositions and there are so many limitations that has been placed in our minds due to lack of knowledge, which prevents many from reaching their full potential. Regardless of the level of success we obtain, we must remind ourselves that our success does not happen by chance, it happens by design.

Email Address: numentalityfitness@gmail.com

Website: https://www.numentalityfitnessandtrainingllc.com/

Social media handles?: Instagram- numentalityfitnessandtraining, Champ Talk with Cez

Facebook-NuMentality Fitness and Training LLC, Champ Talk with Cez

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I'sha Gaines I'sha Gaines

Life is a game: sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.

Life is a game: sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Through the ups and downs, it’s essential that you’re still gaining something out of every move you make. Angela Ward, the host of The Game Changers with Angela Ward (based in Valdosta, Georgia), is using her platform to bring awareness to real world issues. By interviewing top political and philanthropist leaders, Angela discovers valuable gems that will positively switch up the game and impact your life in a beneficial way! The stress of life can make us sick sometimes, and honestly, our bodies don’t deserve to be put through that struggle. Even the greatest games played have had a few time-outs; don’t forget to take a break and breathe whenever you need to! Your wellness plays a huge role in how you work towards your goals, so be sure to take excellent self-care of yourself. Thank you for providing this inspirational platform, Angela. We’d love to introduce you to Angela, Queen of Game Changing!

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Life is a game: sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Through the ups and downs, it’s essential that you’re still gaining something out of every move you make. Angela Ward, the host of The Game Changers with Angela Ward (based in Valdosta, Georgia), is using her platform to bring awareness to real world issues. By interviewing top political and philanthropist leaders, Angela discovers valuable gems that will positively switch up the game and impact your life in a beneficial way! The stress of life can make us sick sometimes, and honestly, our bodies don’t deserve to be put through that struggle. Even the greatest games played have had a few time-outs; don’t forget to take a break and breathe whenever you need to! Your wellness plays a huge role in how you work towards your goals, so be sure to take excellent self-care of yourself. Thank you for providing this inspirational platform, Angela. We’d love to introduce you to Angela, Queen of Game Changing!

What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: Bringing awareness to real world issues through non bias politics inspired me to create "The Game Changers with Angela Ward." I also interview top political and philanthropist leaders to talk about the positive impacts they lead in our society. 

My desire to help others keeps me moving to my next project.

How do you create the life you want?: 

It's easy to work through the good but staying focused through the bad will mold your future.

What makes you HUMAN?: Sometimes we get caught up in the struggles of life and not realizing we are making ourselves sick from stress. 

I am HUMAN because sometimes I need a mental break to just breathe so I can think clearly.

Whats three things you want us to know about self-love/wellness?: 

Self-love and Wellness are vital to your health and mental state. 

It's very important to fix yourself up, go to the yearly wellness appts and treat yourself in every budget you have. These things will give you a peace of mind and bring recognition to the things that interest you.

What's something we can incorporate today to LIVE LIFE WELL?:: Keeping laughter in your life everyday and speaking positive thoughts about your future.

Email Address: thegamechangerswithangelaward@gmail.com

Website: http://www.thegamechangerswithangela.com

Social media handles?: Instagram- thegamechangers_33

Facebook- The Game Changers with Angela Ward

Twitter- @GameChangerSho

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Isha Gaines Isha Gaines

There’s incredible strength behind creating something beautiful!

There’s incredible strength behind creating something beautiful from a painful experience. Willona Jean-Pierre, owner of WJP and Company in Dallas, Texas, believes in the power of changing your environment by changing your narrative. As a performing artist, mother and lover of life, Willona works to create spaces that are beaming with joy, peace and light. In order to get to that special place, you have to do the work in removing any toxic clutter that is not allowing you to grow! Although Willona thrives on the stage as a performer and a writer, she recognizes the importance of prayer and guarding your thoughts: you are what you think! It’s necessary to be reminded how powerful prayer and positive perspectives can be; it definitely brings some clarity to clouded minds. We’d love to introduce you to Willona, Queen of Uplifting Voices!

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There’s incredible strength behind creating something beautiful from a painful experience. Willona Jean-Pierre, owner of WJP and Company in Dallas, Texas, believes in the power of changing your environment by changing your narrative. As a performing artist, mother and lover of life, Willona works to create spaces that are beaming with joy, peace and light. In order to get to that special place, you have to do the work in removing any toxic clutter that is not allowing you to grow! Although Willona thrives on the stage as a performer and a writer, she recognizes the importance of prayer and guarding your thoughts: you are what you think! It’s necessary to be reminded how powerful prayer and positive perspectives can be; it definitely brings some clarity to clouded minds. We’d love to introduce you to Willona, Queen of Uplifting Voices!

What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: I am a natural creator. I was born to create. I just create what I feel. I keep going knowing that people that come behind me will have a guide or template to go by and to let them know they are not alone. I intend to be a voice to the muzzled and a light to those that feel they are surrounded by darkness.

How do you create the life you want?: I start from a place of peace. I remove anything or anyone that causes chaos or toxicity in my life. I was once in a toxic environment that stagnated and crippled me.I can’t have any mental clutter. From that place I can then begin to channel my thoughts to produce and cause movement and flow to action.

What makes you HUMAN?: Definitely VULNERABILITY! 

I think that this world can make us hard but I believe we aren’t meant to live that way 24/7. I believe we should be comfortable to be vulnerable around those that allow us. 

We should be able to let loose, scream, cry or let out emotions without being judged for it. I think it’s imperative for us as humans.

What’s three things you want us to know about self-love/wellness?: 1. Knowing your identity and being unmovable and unshakable in it.

Don’t feel bad about taking time for yourself. You have to build yourself up in order to pour into others.

3.Love yourself. Sounds easy and cliche but you teach people how to treat you. When people see what you allow and how you treat yourself they tend to follow suit. You can’t attract love until you love yourself.

What's something we can incorporate today to LIVE LIFE WELL?:: Prayer. Guarding your thoughts is important. Why? Because your thoughts become your speech and what you speak you become. Negative thoughts attempt to bombard our minds and torment us. Prayer reminds us that God loves us and that we are more precious to God than gold. If God be for us who can be against us?

Email Address: willonajean-pierre4@hotmail.com

Website: http://willonajean-pierre.com

Social media handles?: IG:wjpandcompany

FB:W.Jean-Pierre & company

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Isha Gaines Isha Gaines

Some characters are truly larger than life!

Let’s talk about health. We know how important it is to maintain a healthy diet, exercise regularly and indulge in self-care. But are we giving that same attention to our skin? Curtisha Johnson is helping women take excellent care of their skin through her business Divine Clementine Bath and Body. Based in Atlanta, Georgia, Divine Clementine Bath and Body provides skin products such as soaps, bath soaks and body butters that are created with chemical-free, natural and sustainable ingredients. Curtisha recognizes the importance of healthy skin, and she’s using her passion to help women feel beautiful while taking care of themselves. Curtisha’s number one piece of advice to live well? It’s a simple but impactful one: take more baths! Take more time to soak in the glory of your body; the gratitude you’ll receive from it is priceless. We’re so grateful for your feel-good products, Curtisha. We’d love for you to meet Curtisha, Queen of Bath and Body!

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Some characters are truly larger than life, and Sharda wants you to embrace all of the unique characteristics that make you who you are! Sharda Ferrell, based in Dallas, Texas, founded CharactersHere to fulfill her passion for creating. Whether it’s writing, painting or recording podcasts and YouTube videos, Sharda’s purpose is to encourage others to reach down and celebrate their own characters. For self-love, Sharda reminds us that no one has the same journey; every character has a different background! You’re responsible for honoring your story without comparing it to another experience. There’s beauty in accepting the lessons and gems that your journey teaches you; embrace your path as much as you embrace yourself! We are grateful for your dedication to telling stories, Sharda. We’d love to introduce you to Sharda, Queen of Characters!

What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: My desire to create would not let me sleep. I would find myself staying up late just to create or do a DIY project, because it made me feel good. Also, I've been blessed with these talents that I've had since I was a child - writing, painting, and creating. It came natural for me to turn what I’m good at into a business. I knew when I had no other choice but to pursue the creative path that it was right for me. God motivates me to keep going. He gave me these talents that won't leave me no matter what happens - good or bad. If this business wasn't meant for me, I would've quit a long time ago. When something is for you, it stays with you through success and failure. I’m able to help others, meet people, build relationships, and go places outside of my comfort zone. I don’t just get paid in money. I get paid to experience a fulfilling life.

How do you create the life you want?: You create the life you want by going after it. You dream, you take action, you do research, you talk about it, you believe it, and you live your present life as if you were living the life you want. That's easier said than done, but when you are consistent, it can happen for you.

What makes you HUMAN?: By being honest with myself, I am able to recognize that I'm not perfect. No one is perfect, and when I was trying to be something that no one is, it made me something that I was not. I have beautiful flaws, a southern accent, and I love to create. When I started embracing my human ways, I stopped focusing on what didn't matter. This allowed me to be free!

What’s three things you want us to know about self-love/wellness?: 

It takes time to have self-love and wellness. It's not overnight, and you shouldn't force it. Let it happen naturally.

1. TIME - It takes time to have self-love and wellness. It's not overnight, and you shouldn't force it. Let it happen naturally. You allow it to happen by being observant of your ways, seeing what you want to change in order to improve yourself, and being realistic, because it is a journey. A journey takes time.

2. DISCIPLINE - Self-love is not an easy thing to do. If it was, it wouldn't be a topic. You have to evaluate yourself mentally and physically, you have to be honest in every aspect of your life, you have to make changes from how you see yourself to how you let other people’s opinions affect you, etc. You have to put in the work in order to accomplish self-love, and that takes discipline.

3. MAKE NO COMPARISON - You can be given all the advice in the world, but just because it worked for 100 people, doesn't mean it'll work for you. Everyone is different. We know that, but when we have a problem, we seek problem-solving, answers, how to's, and Google searches. It's great to seek help, but don't get caught up in comparing your journey to others. Make your journey YOUR journey. It shouldn't be like anyone else's.

What's something we can incorporate today to LIVE LIFE WELL?:: Today, fear plays a huge part in our lives. One can be fearless in business, but be afraid of heights. Another person may not fear dogs, but they fear taking on the leadership role. Even if the fear is small, it's still stopping you from enjoying a certain part in your life. 

Living life well is about growth, stepping out of your comfort zone, and switching up the routine. 

Things work, because we take action. Incorporating LIVE LIFE WELL takes action. Action is about change. Change is about life. Life is about your journey. Your journey is YOUR journey. Feel free to stop me at any moment. LOL

Email Address: createcharactershere@gmail.com

Website: http://charactershere.com

Social media handles?: https://www.instagram.com/charactershere/


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Isha Gaines Isha Gaines

Let’s talk about health!

Let’s talk about health. We know how important it is to maintain a healthy diet, exercise regularly and indulge in self-care. But are we giving that same attention to our skin? Curtisha Johnson is helping women take excellent care of their skin through her business Divine Clementine Bath and Body. Based in Atlanta, Georgia, Divine Clementine Bath and Body provides skin products such as soaps, bath soaks and body butters that are created with chemical-free, natural and sustainable ingredients. Curtisha recognizes the importance of healthy skin, and she’s using her passion to help women feel beautiful while taking care of themselves. Curtisha’s number one piece of advice to live well? It’s a simple but impactful one: take more baths! Take more time to soak in the glory of your body; the gratitude you’ll receive from it is priceless. We’re so grateful for your feel-good products, Curtisha. We’d love for you to meet Curtisha, Queen of Bath and Body!

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Let’s talk about health. We know how important it is to maintain a healthy diet, exercise regularly and indulge in self-care. But are we giving that same attention to our skin? Curtisha Johnson is helping women take excellent care of their skin through her business Divine Clementine Bath and Body. Based in Atlanta, Georgia, Divine Clementine Bath and Body provides skin products such as soaps, bath soaks and body butters that are created with chemical-free, natural and sustainable ingredients. Curtisha recognizes the importance of healthy skin, and she’s using her passion to help women feel beautiful while taking care of themselves. Curtisha’s number one piece of advice to live well? It’s a simple but impactful one: take more baths! Take more time to soak in the glory of your body; the gratitude you’ll receive from it is priceless. We’re so grateful for your feel-good products, Curtisha. We’d love for you to meet Curtisha, Queen of Bath and Body!

What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: What inspired me to start my business was diagnosis of fibroids in 2008.What motivates me to keep going is the fact that my products have helped people with skin issues,cancer patients and other women with fibroids. 

How do you create the life you want?: I create the life I want by chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. Chanting clears my mind,my heart and lines me up with my deepest desires and goals. I do my best to chant at least an hour a day.

What makes you HUMAN?: What makes me human is my passion for doing the right thing, helping others when I can, my ability to be outspoken and standing up for the things I believe in.

What are three things you want us to know about self-love/wellness?: 3 things about self love/wellness:

1) "NO" is a complete sentence.

2) Naps are very important when you are healing.

3) Transparent communication is extremely important for wellness.

What's something we can incorporate today to LIVE LIFE WELL?:: Something you can incorporate today to live life well is take more baths!

Email Address: curtishaljohnson@gmail.com

Website: http://www.divineclementinebb.com

Social media handles?: www.instagram.com/divineclementinebb.com


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Isha Gaines Isha Gaines

Let’s be honest; when God takes you on a journey, he takes you on a journey.

Let’s be honest; when God takes you on a journey, he takes you on a journey. It can be tough. It can be rough. It’s always worth it! Troetta Ward, based in Arlington, Texas, decided that transparency was a good source of healing through her own personal journey. Mad About Maddie, a blog and online apparel store, was born through the need to document her experience with motherhood and her personal faith. Troetta uses her stories and lessons learned during motherhood to connect with her relationship to God. It’s a safe space, and thanks to the relatable and beautiful transparency she offers, it serves as a safe space to other women who find themselves on the same path. For self-love, Troetta believes that it is most definitely a necessity; self-love is not to be compromised. You’ll always need self-love, just as flowers will always need the sun. We are so grateful for your honesty in your storytelling, Troetta. We’re pleased to introduce Troetta, Queen of Transparency!

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Let’s be honest; when God takes you on a journey, he takes you on a journey. It can be tough. It can be rough. It’s always worth it! Troetta Ward, based in Arlington, Texas, decided that transparency was a good source of healing through her own personal journey. Mad About Maddie, a blog and online apparel store, was born through the need to document her experience with motherhood and her personal faith. Troetta uses her stories and lessons learned during motherhood to connect with her relationship to God. It’s a safe space, and thanks to the relatable and beautiful transparency she offers, it serves as a safe space to other women who find themselves on the same path. For self-love, Troetta believes that it is most definitely a necessity; self-love is not to be compromised. You’ll always need self-love, just as flowers will always need the sun. We are so grateful for your honesty in your storytelling, Troetta. We’re pleased to introduce Troetta, Queen of Transparency!

What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: My blog started as just a safe space for me to express my journey through motherhood. Now, it’s transformed into a blog and online apparel store on motherhood and faith. My daughter motivates me to keep going! I’m learning so much about Christ through her!

How do you create the life you want?: You create the life you want by remaining consistent and setting realistic expectations.

What makes you HUMAN?: Transparency makes me HUMAN. I bleed my life into my blog and apparel. The words written aren’t fictional for me. They are real, everyday experiences that I choose to be transparent about in the hopes to bring someone closer to God.

Whats three things you want us to know about self-love/wellness?: 1.) Self love starts with a relationship with Christ. 

2.) Self love means putting yourself first, even if it makes you uncomfortable. 

3.) Self love isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity.

What's something we can incorporate today to LIVE LIFE WELL?:: We can incorporate time to [On Black disconnect from the world in order to live life well. It’s so easy to get pulled into a thousand directions. Take time to be still.

Email Address: troetta@madaboutmaddie.com

Website: http://www.madaboutmaddie.com

Social media handles?: IG: @madaboutmaddieblog 

FB: Mad About Maddie

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Isha Gaines Isha Gaines

Dream it, work hard, and grind til you...write it!

Dream it, work hard, and grind til you...write it! Tyra Racquel, a national best-selling author based in San Antonio, Texas, founded The Brownie Squad, a reading group that aims to support writers and readers alike. Tyra started the Brownie Squad after she successfully published several books, including two national best-sellers! If there’s one thing Tyra has learned in her writing career, it’s the importance of honoring your creativity. Sometimes that includes leaning on independence, and now as an independent publisher, Tyra always has the last say (down to the very last word!). When it comes to self-love, Tyra has this friendly reminder for us all: Breathe! Take the time to intentionally slow down and inhale all of your blessings. This solid advice holds just as much value as your words do, Tyra. We’d love to introduce you to Tyra, Queen of Writing!

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Dream it, work hard, and grind til you...write it! Tyra Racquel, a national best-selling author based in San Antonio, Texas, founded The Brownie Squad, a reading group that aims to support writers and readers alike. Tyra started the Brownie Squad after she successfully published several books, including two national best-sellers! If there’s one thing Tyra has learned in her writing career, it’s the importance of honoring your creativity. Sometimes that includes leaning on independence, and now as an independent publisher, Tyra always has the last say (down to the very last word!). When it comes to self-love, Tyra has this friendly reminder for us all: Breathe! Take the time to intentionally slow down and inhale all of your blessings. This solid advice holds just as much value as your words do, Tyra. We’d love to introduce you to Tyra, Queen of Writing!

What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: I am a National Bestselling Author, and the Brownie Squad is my reading group that I created. Now it’s my official brand. I’m also a YouTuber and I call my subscribers Brownies so it covers both of my careers.

How do you create the life you want?: I plan and research. I create time for my writing and videos.

What makes you HUMAN?: Actually taking a break and enjoying life as much as possible.

Making yourself HUMAN is actually taking a break and enjoying life as much as possible.

What’s three things you want us to know about self-love/wellness?: Always love yourself before you love anybody else.

Self care is the best care so take a break sometimes and do something you enjoy. 


What's something we can incorporate today to LIVE LIFE WELL?:: Enjoy every minute of it!

Email Address: tyraracquel1994@yahoo.com

Website: http://www.thebrowniesquad.com

Social media handles?: Instagram: tyranobanks 

Twitter: tyraracquel 

YouTube: TyraNoBanks

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