Let’s be honest: we could all use a check-in (and a check-up!)

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Let’s be honest: we could all use a check-in (and a check-up!). We prioritize mental health over here, and that’s why we’re incredibly grateful for queens such as Wanda! Wanda Hudson, based in Dallas, Texas, uses her business, Wanda Hudson Consulting, to ensure that there’s accessible, quality mental health services and education. Wanda believes in transparency; it’s essential that you honor both your highs and lows. While doing so, you become a service to others who may be looking for inspiration, uplifting, or related help. When it comes to self-love, Wanda wants us to remember this important fact: while you love yourself greatly, you will also need to spend time focusing on self-reflection, self-forgiveness, and self-growth. We admire your incredible service, Wanda. We’d love to introduce you to Wanda, Queen of Mental Health!


What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: My personal experience with mental health and my family's history of mental health, along with my experience in education was my inspiration to start my business. I wanted to take the skills I've learned over the past 11 years back to areas that do not have access to quality mental health services and education. I am motivated daily by my brother. My brother died 14 years ago and his story is the reason why I go so hard. God uses his memories to remind me of my purpose.

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How do you create the life you want?: I am now in the true creation stage. As of this summer, I will be stepping out on faith to work for myself fully after only having my LLC for 10 months. 

By working full time for myself, 

I will have the ability to truly create the life my husband and I want because I will be doing what I truly love. 

I believe that God has me walking into my overflow season.

What makes you HUMAN?: I am flawed! I make mistakes. I hurt and I unintentionally hurt others. I cry. I laugh. I get mad. I curse from time to time. Sometimes I do not know the answers. Sometimes I lend a hand and sometimes I need a hand. I apologize. I educate. I forgive and not always forget. I struggle to forgive. I fall to my face and cry out to God. I have losses. I have gains. Sometimes it is hard for me to get out of the bed. Sometimes I enjoy getting out of the bed. I bleed. I have pain. 

Basically, I understand that I am human. I am transparent so that others are also aware of the fact that I am human.

What's three things you want us to know about self-love/wellness?: They both require self reflection, self forgiveness, and self growth. 

You have to apply your oxygen mask before you can help anyone else!

What's something we can incorporate today to LIVE LIFE WELL?:: Welcome the moment....Just be...Just be present!

Email Address: wandahudson@wandahudson.com

Website: http://www.wandahudson.com

Social media handles?: Facebook-The Present Counselor



You get a certain pep in your step when you walk in your purpose


What motivates you to keep going?