What motivates you to keep going?

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What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: After my divorce, I found solace in creating jewelry from gemstones. I was in an unfamiliar place mentally and emotionally, so it became my main form of meditation outside of yoga. Learning how to make different pieces and learning the meaning behind each gemstone caused my inspiration to grow- thus The Risen Lotus was born. I wanted to create unique, modern, and Afro-inspired gemstone jewelry. I saw so many gemstone bracelets and necklaces that always represented other cultures or religions, but nothing that I could truly resonate with.


Besides just wanting to follow through with my new path of entrepreneurship, my 4 year old son-shine motivates me. I want to be able to provide the life I had growing up, and as a full-time single mother (physically and financially), an 8-5 is not going to permit that. I want him to see me grow this business from the ground up, so that he knows dreams are attainable. My second motivation is to build The Risen Lotus on a scale where I am able to provide opportunities for other women and less fortunate families. I am determined to create a non-profit to accomplish it.

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How do you create the life you want?: This is something that I have newly discovered over the past 3 years. First, being true to who I am. I live this out to the smallest thing, for instance, getting my finger tattoo. People will always have something to say or an opinion to give. However, I have resolved all insecurities and fears within me. And, any decision I make is always thought out carefully and considering my son comes first. Once those boxes are checked, I set my plan into motion and walk my path with my little man by my side. Lastly, 

listening to my spirit without interference has allows given me what I needed in my life.

What makes you HUMAN?: 

My soul makes me human. My ability to love and to have understanding makes me human. Not allowing difference of methodologies to create separation between others and myself. If someone comes with an open mind and heart, then I will greet them with the same energy.

What's three things you want us to know about self-love/wellness?: 1. 

Self love/wellness looks different for everyone, so the best way to experience self love is by participating in any positive outlet that allows you to release any negative emotions or mental blocks.

2. Self love should have its moments of feeling uncomfortable, like a snake shedding its scales. There is always room for growth, so you should be forever evolving.

3. Enjoy the journey! No one's path is straight and narrow. Don't dwell on the times that you stumble. Your self love and wellness journey is something you will continue to look back on, and be amazed at your progress.

What's something we can incorporate today to LIVE LIFE WELL?:: Spread a little positivity and eat well! I believe karma is a major shift changer in our lives. So putting out good vibes will help ensure you receive them in return, whether its mentally, physically, emotionally, and/or financially.

Email Address: therisenlotus@gmail.com

Website: http://www.therisenlotus.com

Social media handles?: @therisenlotus



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