Self-love is a life-long journey...
Do you remember the last time you received intentional and meaningful guidance? Black women are judged for any and everything, from our personal style to our professional ambition. Sometimes, all you need is a hand...and incredible women like Simeko Hartley are dedicated to being a service! Simeko, based in Roselle Park, NJ, founded Meko, New York LLC, a consulting agency that specializes in natural hair care and beauty. This business empowers women to become authentic, which is key in nurturing a healthy self-love. Self-love is a life-long journey, and the first step starts with embracing yourself wholeheartedly. We thank you for your service, Simeko. We’re elated to introduce you to Simeko, Queen of Development!
What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: My 92 year old grandmother who just recently passed from Covid-19.
[CREATE THE LIFE] I know entrepreneurship is in my blood because I always knew ever since I was a little girl growing up that I wanted to have my own business.
How do you create the life you want?: Although I was labeled a statisic because I grew up, in what was considered the ghetto, without a mother or a dad there to guide me, I decided that I was going to let that label determine who I would be and what I would accomplish.
What makes you HUMAN?:
I am HUMAN because God placed a special gift inside of me to share with the world. And I am determined to nurture that gift so that I can inspire and empower everyone I meet so they can find their special gift and live their best life possible.
What's three things you want us to know about self-love/wellness?:
Self-Love starts with truly embracing your authentic self...flaws and all
2. You cannot truly love others unless you first love yourself
3. Self-Love is a lifelong journey.
What's something we can incorporate today to LIVE LIFE WELL?:: Developing a positive growth mindset.
Email Address:
Social media handles?: IG @simekoantionette @mekonewyorkllc
FB @Meko New York @Natural2Natural