Self love really starts with self commitment.

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What inspired you to start your business? What motivates you to keep going?: I was initially inspired to start my business as a way to help women feel good about themselves by looking good. Over the last 20 years it has evolved to empowering women to start internally, because that's where lasting transformation happens. Every woman I meet with a limiting story or belief keeps me motivated to continue teaching and showing up because I know they need it.

How do you create the life you want?: 


I create the life I want by constantly checking in with myself and assessing if I like the space I'm in both literally and figuratively. Like, if I'm not happy or feel like I'm thriving I start looking for what thriving now looks like, and from there an actionable plan is devised.

What makes you HUMAN?: Wow I love this question! One thing that makes me human is that I can be so rebellious at times with instruction, even with what God has told me. Definitely a human trait.

What's three things you want us to know about self-love/wellness?: Three things I want you to know about self-love or wellness is:

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1. Self love really starts with self commitment.

2. As you evolve, you'll have to learn to love the new you.

3. Loving yourself the most will allow you to love others the best.

What's something we can incorporate today to LIVE LIFE WELL?:: One thing you can incorporate right now to live life well is to implement the use of systems in your life or business to release the act of attempting to do everything yourself.

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Social media handles?: Instagram: @SonjaThompkins

Facebook: @SonjaThompkins


Self-love is a life-long journey...


For many years I had a hard time with creating the life I wanted.